DECODR will tabulate all processing steps and coefficients applied to data in two different csv files.

YYMMPLog.csv - compiles all data processing steps, in batch, for each data type: salts, oxygens, chlorophylls, nutrients, primary productivites, & CTD data imports.

YYMM###_PLog.csv - compiles all data processing steps for each station, for each data type: salts, oxygens, chlorophylls, nutrients, primary productivites, & CTD data imports.

Please note that the two logs are virtually identical except for columns 6 & 7: in the Cruise Processing Log, these columns indicate the beginning and end stations numbers of the processing run; in the Sta Processing Log, these columns indicate the Order Occupied and the CalCOFI Line.Sta number. All other columns are identical and populated at the same time.

Column Format for both Cruise & Sta Processing Logs
(Red indicates Sta Log variation)

Column Label Col # Type Format
Cruise 1 Text YYMM
Processing Date 2 Date Time DD-MMM-YY HH:MM
DECODR version 3 Text vYYMMDD
Processor-PC 4 Text User-System
Data Type 5 Text Salt,Oxygen,Chl,Nutrient, Prodo, CTD
Begin Sta # or Order Occ 6 Text ### or ###
End Sta # or Line.Sta 7 Text ### or LLL.L SSS.S
Sta_Tally (not is sta plog) 8 Integer Total stas run/updated
CSV Updated? 9 Conditional YES/NO
Bottle Salt Offset 10 Real #0.0000
Oxygen Standard 11 Real 0.0000
Oxygen Blank 12 Real 0.0000
Oxygen Normality 13 Real 0.00000
Fluorometer Tau 14 Real 0.0
Fluorometer Acid Ratio 15 Real 0.0
C14 Blank 16 Real 0.0
C14 Specific Activity 17 Real 00.0
Datapath & Out Filename 18 Text Drive:\Dir\filename
CTD Update? 19/1 Text BDO/CSL/CSL+T
CTD Data Source 20/2 Text .btl/.asc/.csv
Up or Down cast 21/3 Text Up/Down
Add CSL? 22/4 Conditional YES/NO
Terple Bottle? 23/5 Conditional YES/NO
Temp1 (CTD) 24/6 Text 1°/no update/del
Temp2 (CTD) 25/7 Text 2°/not update/del
TDC (CSL) 26/8 Integer no change/1/2
Salt1 (CTD) 27/9 Text 1° uncorr/corrected/no update/del
Salt1 Offset 28/10 Real Manual offset (btl or asc)
Salt2 (CTD) 29/11 Text 2° uncorr/corrected/no update/del
Salt2 Offset 30/12 Real Manual offset (btl or asc)
SDC (CSL) 31/13 Integer 0/1/2
Ox1 (CTD) 32/14 Text 1° uncorr/sta-corr/ cruisecorr/no update/del
Ox2 (CTD) 33/15 Text 2° uncorr/sta-corr/ cruisecorr/no update/del
Ox CSL Depth 34/16 Real Min Depth of CSL O2 substitution (sets ODC)
ODC (CSL) 35/17 Integer 0/1/2
Sigma-theta1 (CTD) 36/18 Text 1°/no update/del
Sigma-theta2 (CTD) 37/19 Text 2°/no update/del
StDC (Sig-theta data code) 38/20 Integer 0/1/2
OxSat1 (CTD) 39/21 Text 1°/no update/del
OxSat2 (CTD) 40/22 Text 2°/no update/del
OxSDC (OxSat data code) 41/23 Integer 0/1/2
Pot. Temp1 (CTD) 42/24 Text 1°/no update/del
Pot. Temp2 (CTD) 43/25 Text 2°/no update/del
PoTDC (Pot Temp data code) 44/26 Integer 0/1/2
Dynamic Height (CTD) 45/27 Text 1°/no update/del
DyHDC (Dyn Ht Data Code) 46/28 Integer 0/1/2
Specific Vol Anomaly (CTD) 47/29 Text 1°/no update/del
SVADC (SVA Data Code) 48/30 Integer 0/1/2
IEH_Order 49/31 Text Cruise or Report Order
WeaSource 50/32 Text casts.csv or stacst+wea