Platform: NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker
Project Number: RL-16-01 (OMAO), 1601RL (SWFSC)
Project Title: Winter CalCOFI, Fisheries Resources Division.
Project Dates: January 6, 2016 to January 30, 2016
Prepared: November 24 2105
Chief Scientist: David Griffith, SWFSC
Complete Cruise Instructions PDF pending

  1. Brief Summary and Project Period
    Survey the distributions and abundances of pelagic fish stocks, their prey, and their biotic and abiotic environments in the area of the California Current between San Francisco, California and San Diego, California during the period of January 6 to January 30, 2016.
  2. Days at Sea (DAS) 
    Of the 25 DAS scheduled for this project, 25 are funded by a Line Office Allocation.   This project is estimated to exhibit a High Operational Tempo.
  3. Operating Area
    The area covered during this survey will be from San Diego to San Francisco and extend approximately 200 miles offshore (please see appendices 1b & 2a in Cruise Instructions PDF).
  4. Summary of Objectives
    Survey the distributions and abundances of pelagic fish stocks, their prey, and their biotic and abiotic environments in the area of the California Current between San Francisco, California and San Diego, California.
    The following are specific objectives for the winter CalCOFI.
    1. I.D.1. Continuously sample pelagic fish eggs using the Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES). The data will be used to estimate the distributions and abundances of spawning hake, anchovy, mackerel, and early spawning Pacific sardine.
    2. I.D.2. Continuously sample multi-frequency acoustic backscatter using the Simrad EK60 and the Simrad ME70. The data will be used to estimate the distributions and abundances of coastal pelagic fishes (e.g., sardine, anchovy, and mackerel), and krill species.
    3. I.D.3. Continuously sample sea-surface temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll-a using a thermosalinometer and fluorometer. These data will be used to estimate the physical oceanographic habitats for target species.
    4. I.D.4. Continuously sample air temperature, barometric pressure, and wind speed and direction using an integrated weather station.
    5. I.D.5. Sample profiles of seawater temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a, nutrients, and phytoplankton using a CTD with water-sampling rosette and other instruments at prescribed stations. Measurements of extracted chlorophyll and phaeophytin will be obtained with a fluorometer. Primary production will be measured as C14 uptake in a six hour in situ incubation. Nutrients will be measured with an auto-analyzer. These data will be used to estimate primary productivity and the biotic and abiotic habitats for target species.
    6. I.D.6. Sample the light intensity in the photic zone using a standard secchi disk once per day in conjunction with a daytime CTD station. These data will be used to interpret the measurements of primary production.
    7. I.D.7. Sample plankton using a CalBOBL (CalCOFI Bongo Oblique) at prescribed stations. These data will be used to estimate the distributions and abundances of ichthyoplankton and zooplankton species.
    8. I.D.8. Sample plankton using a Manta (neuston) net at prescribed stations. These data will be used to estimate the distributions and abundances of ichthyoplankton species.
    9. I.D.9. Sample the vertically integrated abundance of fish eggs using a Pairovet net at prescribed stations. These data will be used to quantify the abundances and distributions of fish eggs.
    10. I.D.10. Sample plankton using a PRPOOS (Planktonic Rate Processes in Oligotrophic Ocean Systems net) at all prescribed CalCOFI stations on lines 90.0 and 80.0 as well as stations out to and including station 70.0 on lines 86.7 and 83.3 and station 81.8 46.9.  PRPOOS will not be towed on SCCOOS stations.  These data will be used in analyses by the LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) project.
    11. I.D.11. Continuously sample profiles of currents using the RDI/Teledyne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. This will be dependent on the ability to sync the ADCP’s output with the EK60 and ME70. The EK60 and ME70 will hold priority over the ADCP.
    12. I.D.12. Continuously observe, during daylight hours, seabirds and mammals. These data will be used to estimate the distributions and abundances of seabirds and marine mammals.
  5. Participating Institutions
    1. I.E.1 Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC)
    2. I.E.2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
    3. I.E.3 Farallon Institute Advanced Ecosystem Research (FIAER)

Participants - please refer to the Cruise Instructions pdf or Cruise Prospectus
**Note: Acoustic Calibration staff to be transferred ashore via small boat following completion of calibration efforts.
*SIO, MBARI and SWFSC personnel will be transferred ashore or on board in Monterey, California by small boat at the completion of line 76.7. Both parties will be transported by Vessel Assist or comparable. Company(s) performing the transport will be contacted by SWFSC personnel prior the January 6 sailing date and prior to arrival in Monterey to arrange services.

  1. Administrative
    1. Points of Contacts:
      1. Chief Scientist/alternate: David Griffith/Amy Hays (858-546-7155/858-546-7130); 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92037 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
      2. Project Operation Leads: Sam McClatchie (858-546-7183); 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92037 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
      3. Ops Officer: LT Amber Payne (619-230-0331) NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  2. Diplomatic Clearances
    None Required.
  3. Licenses and Permits
    1. All marine mammal work is covered under a federal research permit NMFS Permit 727-1915 issued to Dr. John Hildebrand of SIO
    2. All ichthyoplankton collections are covered under an MOU (Memo of Understanding) between the California Department of Fish and Game, the Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA and the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.
    3. CDFW ON April 2, 2015 to NOAA-SWFSC-FRD-Cisco Werner(SC-12372)

II. Operations

B. Staging and De-staging
Staging for CalCOFI requires two full days. Staging and de-staging will be conducted in San Diego, CA at 10th Avenue Marine Terminal

C. Operations to be Conducted

Pending (Refer to Cruise Instructions PDF for the following)
D. Dive Plan
E. Applicable Restrictions
Conditions which preclude normal operations:
In the event of poor weather conditions, we will work with the ship’s officers on developing the best strategy for completion of all stations safely.
We have replacement gear for all operations. Equipment failure should not impact our project.

III. Equipment

A. Equipment and Capabilities provided by the ship (itemized)
B. Equipment and Capabilities provided by the scientists (itemized)

IV. Hazardous Materials
A. Policy and Compliance
B. Radioactive Isotopes
C. Inventory (itemized) of Radioactive Materials

VI. Disposition of Data and Reports

A. Data Responsibilities
B. Pre and Post Project Meeting
C. Ship Operation Evaluation Report

VII. Miscellaneous

A. Meals and Berthing
B. Medical Forms and Emergency Contacts
C. Shipboard Safety
D. Communications
E. IT Security
F. Foreign National Guests Access to OMAO Facilities and Platforms
Responsibilities of the Chief Scientist:
Responsibilities of the Commanding Officer:
Responsibilities of the Foreign National Sponsor:
Station/Waypoint List