
CalCOFI 65th Anniversary Logo

2015 CalCOFI Conference

The 2015 CalCOFI Conference was held at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in Moss Landing, CA, from Dec. 14-16 (Directions). Thanks to everyone who participated, we hope to see you next year.

CalCOFI Conference 2015 Program (PDF)

The symposium of the conference entitled “What Can Animal Telemetry Tell Us About Fisheries, MPAs and Nearshore Oceanography in the California Current" was convened by Dr. Laura Rogers-Bennett, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Contributed papers and posters were accepted on a variety of marine topics.

El Niño Workshop Dec 16, 2015
CalCOFI and the Center for Ocean Solutions co-hosted a science workshop to discuss the 2015 El Nino and the potential impacts this event might have on the California Current, California Fisheries and the wider Pacific Ecosystem. This workshop was intended as a venue to share information, plan for the collection of critical data and discuss implications for marine life management. We hope you were able to attend the workshop at MBARI, 7700 Sandholdt Rd., Moss Landing, CA from 9am to 2 pm.

All information regarding the conference can be found at the CalCOFI conference website at:



Conference-related communications should be addressed to: Symposium questions should be addressed to:
John Heine Dr. Laura Rogers-Bennett
CalCOFI Conference Coordinator/Editor CalCOFI Reports Telephone: (707) 875-2035
NOAA-SIO-Cal. Fish and Wildlife E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jacksonville University, Marine Science Research Institute  
2800 University Blvd. N  
Jacksonville, FL 32211  
Telephone: (904) 521-3526  
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Summary of Important Dates
1 November Deadline for financial aid requests
6 November Final Abstract due for both verbal presentations and posters (in English, in electronic format)
1 December Registration fees due
14 December 1300-1700 Opening of the Conference - Status of the California Current and its Fisheries
15 December 0800 CalCOFI Symposium, and Contributed Papers
1700-1900 Poster session at Moss Landing Marine Labs
16 December 0900-1400 El Nino Workshop
1700 Conclusion of CalCOFI Conference


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CalCOFI Conference 2016 Summary

The 2016 CalCOFI Conference was held NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Campus, San Diego, in La Jolla, CA, 5-6 December, 2016. Map

Information regarding the conference may be available at the CalCOFI conference website at:


The Symposium of the Conference: The next 70 years of CalCOFI

CalCOFI began regular surveys in 1951. The goals of the program have shifted to focus on the ecosystem, climate trends and variability rather than small pelagic fisheries, and a wealth of data, analyses and literature has been produced. It is timely, as we approach the 7th decade of the program, to review options for the future. Should CalCOFI continue in its current configuration? Should it remain a shipboard program, or should the balance between ships and other sensors (gliders, AUVs, moorings and satellites) change? How can CalCOFI optimize relevance to increasing frequency of extreme inter-annual variability as climate changes? Is CalCOFI providing the data, metrics and summaries relevant to ecosystem management in a changing environment? Can we provide a coherent vision of CalCOFI leading into the next seven decades that either justifies doing more of the same, and/or provides a path to a revitalized program that will be defensible, sustainable, and relevant in the expected funding framework for long-time series in the United States.

The CalCOFI Symposium was convened by: Sam McClatchie, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC

Conference-related communications should be addressed to: Symposium questions should be addressed to:
John Heine Dr. Sam McClatchie
CalCOFI Conference Coordinator Supervisory Oceanographer, NOAA Fisheries
Southwest Fisheries Science Center Telephone: (858) 546-7083
565 Plaza Rd. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 USA  
Telephone: (904) 521-3526  
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


CalCOFI Conference Final Announcement and Call for Papers

The 2018 CalCOFI Conference will be in the NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Campus, San Diego, in La Jolla, CA, 3-5 December, 2018.  (Map & Directions) 
Verbal and poster presentations are welcome related to the biology, physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, politics or economics of the California Current System, its adjacent waters, and Eastern Boundary Currents.

All information regarding the conference, including housing, registration forms and deadlines, is available at the CalCOFI conference website at:


Important Reminders:

  1. Abstracts for verbal presentations and posters are due Nov. 2.  Sample abstract format is shown below.
  2. Please register and pay the registration fee by Nov. 26.  The form is available on the conference website.  You can use a credit or debit card, PayPal account, or personal check (US only).

Please mark your calendars.  We hope to see you in December!

Summary of Important Dates

15 October Deadline for financial aid requests
2 November Final Abstract due for both verbal presentations and posters (in English, in electronic format)
26 November Registration fees due
3 December 1300-1700 Opening of the Conference - Status of the California Current and its Fisheries
1700-1900 Reception at SWFSC
4 December 0800 CalCOFI Symposium, and Contributed Papers
1700-1900 Evening Poster Session (TBA, SIO)
5 December 0800-1700 CalCOFI Contributed Papers

Symposium Topic: Spatial dynamics and organization of populations in response to environmental parameters

Convener:  Deb Wilson-Vandenberg, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The 2017 CalCOFI Conference was held at the Scripps Seaside Forum on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Campus, San Diego, in La Jolla, CA, Monday Dec 04 through Wednesday Dec 06. Thanks to the speakers and contributors for sharing their research, and to the participants for attending. We hope to see you again next December!

Verbal and poster presentations related to the biology, physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, politics or economics of the California Current System, its adjacent waters, and Eastern Boundary Currents were presented. All information regarding the conference program & schedule, is available at the CalCOFI conference website at:


The Symposium of the Conference: Forage in the California Current Ecosystem

Forage is eaten by predators, including fish, invertebrates, maring mammals and seabirds. It consists of small pelagic fish (e.g., anchovy, sardine, jack mackerel), mesopelagic fish, and pelagic invertebrates (e.g., krill, squid). Fisheries exists for some forage stocks, e.g., small pelagic fish and squid, and may in the future occur fo others, e.g., euphausiids and midwater fish. Forage stocks fluctuate naturally and, when exploited, are affected by fisheries. A challenge of ecosystem-based fishery management is to balance the needs of the ecosystem and the fisheries. This symposium will focus on all aspects of forage in the California Current System. Presentations on forage in other systems are also welcome.

The CalCOFI Symposium was convened by: Ralf Goericke and David Checkley, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

CalCOFI 65th Anniversary Logo

2014 CalCOFI Conference was held at the Scripps Seaside Forum, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in La Jolla, CA ( Map Dec 8 - 10. Thanks to everyone who attended and participated.

The topic for the 2014 Symposium convened by Dave Checkley, SIO: Predicting the California Current System - Please review CalCOFI Reports Vol 56, 2015 for published talks.

The California Current System (CCS) extends from British Columbia to Baja California. The southern end of the CCS has been observed by CalCOFI for more than 65 years. What will the CCS be like in the coming decades and beyond? How well can the CCS, or parts of it, be forecast on the scale of days to seasons? How will warming, stratification, acidification, and deoxygenation affect the CCS? How well management and policy decisions are informed depends on answers to such questions. The 2014 CalCOFI Symposium will address these issues. Presentations will include such topics as the prediction of the California Current using statistical and dynamical models, ranging from physics to fishers, and including the atmosphere and ocean. Model types will include general circulation models, regional models, Atlantis-type models, and hybrids including fish and human biology.

The 2013 CalCOFI Conference was held in the NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Campus, in La Jolla, CA, 9-11 December, 2013 ( Map ).

Thanks to all presenters and attendees for making it such a great success.

The Symposium of the Conference: Forage species and assemblages in the California Current System

Forage fish and squids have long been recognized to be an important component of the California Current System, beyond the importance of sardine, market squid, anchovy and mackerels that support both large and small fisheries. Studies to date have generally taken a single species approach to forage fish. Assessments and monitoring are currently conducted on discrete species. However it is increasingly recognized that the forage species constitute a dynamic assemblage where species dominance varies over time, outbursts and rapid declines are endemic, and the roles of predator and prey in the ecosystem change both with species abundance and with growth in size within individual species. The complex role of forage needs to be better understood as ecosystem-based management becomes established practice.

The CalCOFI Symposium was convened by: Sam McClatchie, NOAA Fisheries,

Please review CalCOFI Reports Vol. 55 2014 for papers presented or submitted for publication.

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