CalCOFI 65th Anniversary Logo

2014 CalCOFI Conference was held at the Scripps Seaside Forum, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in La Jolla, CA ( Map Dec 8 - 10. Thanks to everyone who attended and participated.

The topic for the 2014 Symposium convened by Dave Checkley, SIO: Predicting the California Current System - Please review CalCOFI Reports Vol 56, 2015 for published talks.

The California Current System (CCS) extends from British Columbia to Baja California. The southern end of the CCS has been observed by CalCOFI for more than 65 years. What will the CCS be like in the coming decades and beyond? How well can the CCS, or parts of it, be forecast on the scale of days to seasons? How will warming, stratification, acidification, and deoxygenation affect the CCS? How well management and policy decisions are informed depends on answers to such questions. The 2014 CalCOFI Symposium will address these issues. Presentations will include such topics as the prediction of the California Current using statistical and dynamical models, ranging from physics to fishers, and including the atmosphere and ocean. Model types will include general circulation models, regional models, Atlantis-type models, and hybrids including fish and human biology.

Conference-related communications should be addressed to:
John Heine
CalCOFI Conference Coordinator
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
566 Plaza Rd.
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 USA
Telephone: (904) 521-3526
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.