Cruise Dates: Thursday, 28 October 2010
  Monday, 15 November 2010
Ship: SIO RV New Horizon
Station plan: 75 Standard (66 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:
Contacts: James Wilkinson (Chief Scientist), IOD
  Dave Wolgast, IOD
  Dave Griffith, NMFS

Proposed station work: Seabird CTD / 24 bottle rosette cast (500m depth permitting)
  CTD Sensors: Bottle Samples:
  Temperature Salinity
  Conductivity Oxygen
  Oxygen Nutrients
  Fluorescence Primary Productivity
  Transmissomter Chlorophyll-a
  PAR Phaeopigments
    LTER ancillary
  CalBOBL(Bongo) net, 210m - all stations
  MANTA neuston net, all stations
  PRPOOS vertical net, lines 80 & 90, 86.7 & 83.3 coastal only
  Pairovet vertical net, 100m (coastal stations only ( to 70)
  Oozeki Mid-water trawl, 20 deployments - Dr Tony Koslow
  Supplementary Data:
  ADCP, Dr. Teresa K. Chereskin
  MET , Underway continuous surface and meterological measurements
  Primary Productivity, Daily C14-uptake incubations
  Ancillary LTER , Plankton abundance, biomass, Chl a size fractionations, POC, DOC
  Acoustics, Dr Tony Koslow
  DIC, 10 stations: 93.3-30, 90-90, 90-60, 90-45, 90-30, 86.7-35, 81.8-46.9, 80-55, 80-80, 80-90
  Drifter deployments, 13 drifters deployed on 7 stations: 86.7- 40,45,50,55; 83.3-60,55,51
  Seabirds , Visual Observations
  Cetaceans, Visual and Acoustic Surveys