Cruise Dates: Wednesday, 12 January 2011
  Sunday, 6 February 2011
Ship: SIO RV New Horizon
Station plan: 113 Stations (104 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Dave Griffith, NMFS (Chief Scientist)
  Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, IOD (Technical Coordinator)
Participants: Griffith, Dave (Chief Scientist) Fishery Biologist, NMFS
  Becker, Susan Staff Research Associate, SIO
  Camacho-Wiley Dominique Marine Mammal Observer, MPL
  Dovel, Shonna Staff Research Associate, SIO
  Faber, David N. Staff Research Associate, SIO
  Manion, Sue Fishery Biologist, NMFS
  Renfree, Josiah Acoustic Technician, SWFSC
  Roadman, Megan Staff Research Associate, SIO
  Whitaker, Katherine Marine Mammal Observer, MPL
  Wolgast, David M. Staff Research Associate, SIO
Proposed station work: Seabird CTD / 24 bottle rosette cast (500m depth permitting)
  CTD Sensors: Bottle Samples:
  Temperature Salinity
  Conductivity Oxygen
  Oxygen Nutrients
  Fluorescence Primary Productivity
  Transmissomter Chlorophyll-a
  PAR Phaeopigments
    LTER ancillary
  CalBOBL(Bongo) net, 210m - all stations
  MANTA neuston net, all stations
  PRPOOS vertical net, lines 80 & 90, 86.7 & 83.3 coastal only
  Pairovet vertical net, 100m (coastal stations only ( to 70)
  Oozeki Mid-water trawl, 14 deployments - Dr Tony Koslow
  Supplementary Data:
  ADCP, Dr. Teresa K. Chereskin
  MET, Underway continuous surface and meterological measurements
  Primary Productivity, Daily C14-uptake incubations
  Ancillary LTER , Plankton abundance, biomass, Chl a size fractionations, POC, DOC
  Acoustics, Dr Tony Koslow
  DIC, 10 stations: 93.3-30, 90-90, 90-60, 90-45, 90-30, 86.7-35, 81.8-46.9, 80-55, 80-80, 80-90
  Drifter deployments, 13 drifters deployed on 7 stations: 86.7- 40,45,50,55; 83.3-60,55,51
  Seabirds , Visual Observations
  Cetaceans, Visual and Acoustic Surveys



VESSEL:  R/V New Horizon (SIO) Cruise 1101-NH.
CRUISE DATES: January 12 - February 6, 2011. 
PROJECT:  CalCOFI Survey, Fisheries Resources Division.
  • Leg I: Depart San Diego, California at 0800 on January 12, 2011.  Prior to occupying the first CalCOFI station, we will calibrate the Simrad EK-60 sounder in San Diego Bay.  Once calibrating technicians are put ashore at Nimitz Marine Facility, we will proceed to the first CalCOFI station 93.3/26.7 (position 32° 57.4'N/117° 18.3'W) and begin a pattern up to and including line 76.7(see attached cruise track).  The New Horizon will transfer personnel in Avila Beach, CA (Port San Luis) on or around January 26, 2011.
  • Leg II: After the personnel transfer, the New Horizon will continue the pattern to complete work offshore to line 60.0, weather permitting (see attached cruise track). If time permits, there may be an additional personnel drop-off in Monterey. The vessel will return to San Diego, California on February 6, 2011.


  1. To continue an ongoing assessment of pelagic fish stocks between La Jolla and San Francisco, California.
  2. To monitor environmental conditions within the CalCOFI survey area.
  3. To conduct continuous underway sampling of surface waters.  Temperature, salinity and chlorophyll will be automatically logged by computer with the output from the GPS navigational unit.
  4. To record current profiles throughout the duration of the cruise with the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler.
  5. To measure optical profiles within the California bight. The optical profile measurements will include pigment concentration and particle absorption.
  6. To record continuous acoustic targets obtained with the Simrad EK-60 scientific sounder.
  Each standard CalCOFI station will include the following:
  1. A CTD/Rosette consisting of 24 10-liter hydrographic bottles will be lowered to 500 meters (depth permitting) to measure physical parameters and collect water at discrete depths for analysis of: oxygen concentration, salinity, nutrients, chlorophylls and phytoplankton.  On stations 90.0 90.0 and 80.0 90.0, the CTD/Rosette will be lowered to 3500 meters.  On line 66.7, the CTD/Rosette will be lowered to 1000 meters at all stations.
  2. A CalBOBL (CalCOFI Bongo) standard oblique plankton tow with 300 meters of wire out, depth permitting, using paired 505 µm mesh nets with 71 cm diameter openings.  The technical requirements for this tow are:  Descent rate of 50 meters per minute, ascent rate of 20 meters per minute.  All tows with ascending wire angles lower than 38° or higher than 51° in the final 100 meters of wire will be repeated.  Additionally, a 45° wire angle should be closely maintained during the ascent and descent of the net frame.
  3. A Manta net (surface) tow, using a 505 µm mesh net on a frame with a mouth area of 0.1333 m².
  4. Weather observations.
  5. A Pairovet (vertical) plankton tow will be taken at all stations inshore of, and including station 70.  The Pairovet net will be fished from 70 meters to the surface (depth permitting) using paired 25 cm diameter 150 µm mesh nets.  The technical requirements for Pairovet tows are:  Descent rate of 70 meters per minute, ascent rate of 70 meters per minute.  All tows with wire angles exceeding 15° during the ascent will be repeated.
  6. A PRPOOS(Planktonic Rate Processes in Oligotrophic Ocean Systems) net tow will be taken at all stations on line 90.0 and 80.0 as well as stations out to and including station 70.0 on lines 86.7 and 83.3.  These stations are occupied as part of the LTER (Long Term Ecological Reserve) project.  The mesh of the PRPOOS net is 202 µm and the tow is a vertical cast up from 210 meters.
  7. At about 1100 hours on each day of the cruise a primary productivity CTD cast consisting of six 10-liter hydrographic bottles will be carried out.  The cast arrangement will be determined by a Secchi disc observation.  The purpose of the cast is to collect water from 6 discrete depths for daily in situ productivity experiments.  Measurements of extracted chlorophyll and phaeophytin will be obtained with a fluorometer.  Primary production to be measured as C14 uptake in a 6 hour in situ incubation.  Nutrients will be measured with an auto-analyzer.  All radioisotope work areas will be given a wipe test before the departure of the SIO technical staff.
  8. A light meter (secchi) will be used to measure the light intensity in the euphotic zone once a day with the primary productivity cast.
  9. During transit between stations, a bird observer, a marine mammal acoustician and two marine mammal observers will be recording location and species of various sea birds and marine mammals.
  10. During transit between most daylight stations, an acoustic hydrophone array will be towed off the stern with a cable/winch to record sounds from marine mammals.  Upon approaching a station, a sonobuoy will be deployed one nautical mile prior to stopping for station work and the towed acoustic array will be retrieved.
  11. During the grid occupation, the CUFES pump will run continuously between stations to sample pelagic fish eggs.  The CUFES pump/pipe will be side mounted to the hull to draw water from a depth of three meters into a scientific laboratory van located on the main deck, port side.
  12. A MOHT(Oozeki) pelagic trawl will be deployed on approximately 20 night time CalCOFI stations within the standard CalCOFI grid (lines 76.7 to 93.3).  This will encompass both adaptive and non-adaptive sampling in conjunction with the EK-60.  The Oozeki is a fixed-frame trawl with a 5.5 m² mouth opening that can be towed at speeds up to 4-5 knots.  It is designed to capture a variety of organisms including krill, late larval and juvenile fishes, and micronekton. The Oozeki data will be used to groundtruth the EK-60 acoustic data as well as collect samples of juvenile fishes for the study of sardine recruitment processes.