CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 9804JD CTD Final Data
Download 9804JD CTD raw cast files zipped Download 9804JD FinalQC CTD + bottle data Note: only one set of T, S, O2 sensors were deployed in 1998
General CTD Notes - data acquisition notes, logistics, processing - see below.
Please note that these regressions are generated from CTD vs final published bottle data after being reprocessed using final bottle data. No nitrate sensors was deployed in 1998 and only one set of T, S, O2 sensors were installed. Fluorometer sensitivity was changed prior to sta 51 so different correction regressions were applied to fluorometer voltage to estimate chlorophyll-a. Bottle oxygen in uM/Kg were calculated from bottle oxygen ml/L.
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing CTD sensor data, 4sec average prior to bottle closure, to bottle samples
Dual T, S, & O2 Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4) 0.0027  
Oxygen ml/L (Seabird SBE13) y = 0.9693x + 0.0475
R² = 0.9996
Oxygen umol/Kg (Seabird SBE13) y = 0.9693x + 2.0616
R² = 0.9996
Single sensors Stations 01-50 Stations 51-85
Fluorometer - Linear regressions y = 1.1547x - 0.3356
R² = 0.9097
y = 3.2528x - 0.0865
R² = 0.9249
Fluorometer - Polynomial regressions

y = 0.1054x2+0.6838x-0.1286

R² = 0.9374

y = -0.0886x2+3.5317x-0.1255

R² = 0.9267

Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a  
General notes: These are cast & final CTD Processing Notes from 9804JD cruise

CalCOFI 9804JD CTD Notes
1998 was an El Nino year and CalCOFI sailed on monthly cruises: 4 typical quarterly cruises and 7 one-week, line 90 & line 80 cruises. 9804JD was the full Spring CalCOFI. At this time, CalCOFI was deploying a SBE 911+ Seabird CTD on a 24-10L rosette using a General Oceanics Pylon (1015-24). A single set of temperature (SBE 3F), conductivity (SBE 4), and oxygen (SBE 13) driven by a 3k pump (SBE 5) were deployed. Additional sensors on the array were: Seatech 20cm transmissometer, Seatech fluorometer, Biospherical QSP200 remote PAR & Surface PAR, Benthos altimeter & pinger (notes referencing PDR pinger traces may be more reliable than altimeter at that time).

In Aug 2016, the CTD data were reprocessed so importing into the CalCOFI CTD database would be possible. This required running the DOS version Seasoft 4.4 on Windows XP using Virtual Box in Windows 7. Once asc files were generated, BtlVsCTD (CalCOFI CTD + bottle merging program), was run in Windows 7 togenerate CTD.csvs. Plots of CTD 1m profiles with bottle data were generated using Matlab.

Cast Notes:
CTD Console Operator Notes (EHR, JLM, DG):
Sensors: Pressure SBE9: 39873; Temperature SBE3: 1074; Conductivity SBE4: 722; O2 SBE14:130120;
SBE 9: 93235-203; Pump: 252; Rem PAR: 4271; Ref PAR: 6139/3149; Fluor: 91s; Trans: 164; Pinger used for height off bottom.
Note: typically chl max notes are not listed but this cruise's are particularly deep for a Spring CalCOFI, plus there is not an abundance of notes

Cast 01: no notes
Cast 02: JLM wrote they drifted off station during the MER cast and bottom shoaled so terminal depth was 460 since the pinger was not turned on precast.
Cast 03: chl max @30m
Cast 04, 05 chl max @ 40m
Cast 06: two markers at 80m, corrected, prodo
cast 07: chl max @ 85-90m
cast 08: chl max @ 85m, wide max
cast 09: chl max @ 100m
cast 10: chl max @ 120m, prodo
cast 11: chl max @ 115m
cast 12: chl max @ 100m
cast 13: chl max @ 110m
cast 14: chl max @ 125m prodo
cast 15: chl max 115, mixed layer 100m
cast 16: chl max @ 135m
cast 17: chl max @ 128m; 45m secchi; prodo
cast 18: chl max @ 125m; wire angle changing depths ~5m
cast 19: chl max @ 115m; salinity inversion @115m
cast 20: chl max @ 120m
cast 21: chl max @ 115m, prodo
cast 22: chl max @ 115m, wire angle changing, lots of repositioning
cast 23: chl max @ 95m
cast 24: chl max @ 34-40m
cast 25: chl max @ 30m, no prodo due to Navy Ops extending transit time, too late for LAN; 2 Mitchell bottles
cast 26: chl max @ 40m, bottom depth changing rapidly
cast 27: chl max @ 15m, shallow sta ~55m
cast 28: chl max @ 30m
cast 29: chl max @ 0-25m
cast 30: chl max @ 10-20m, secchi 10m, prodo, two markers at 380 - corrected
cast 31: no notes
cast 32: chl max @ 35m
cast 33: shallow 76m station; pinger reads ~7m from bottom @ bottle #1
cast 34: chl max @ 30-90m broad max; lanyard in lid #4, H2O bad
cast 35: no notes
cast 36: chl max @ 90m
cast 37, 38: chl max @ 100m
cast 39: chl max @ 100m prodo
cast 40: chl max @ 135m, wire angle changing, tension spiking slowed from 60m/min to 30m/min
cast 41: chl max @ 80m
cast 42: chl max @ 90m, prodo
cast 43: chl max @ 95m
cast 44: chl max @ 80m
cast 45: chl max @ 95m, prodo
cast 46: JRW serviced PAR cable - regreased and cable tie added
cast 47,48: no notes
cast 49: chl max @ 0-30m
cast 50: no notes
cast 51: Santa Barbara Basin, 20m chl max, wire angle variable, PDR showed ~6m off bottom at #1 trip; fluorometer output switched to 1x prior to this cast
cast 52: no notes
cast 53: chl max @ 25m
cast 54: chl max @ 60m, duplicate marker at 320 - 20 bottles, 21 markers -corrected
cast 55: chl max @ 60m
cast 56: no notes
cast 57: chl max @ 117m, wire angle changing = chasing target depths
cast 58: chl max @ 105m
cast 59: chl max @ 125m, prodo, bottle #11 dropped so O2 test case at surface could be tripped - 100m mixed layer
cast 60: no ntoes
cast 61: chl max @ 70m
cast 62: chl max @ 79m
cast 63: chl max @ 65m; pylon evidently mis-set, bottles actually tripped were 24, 1-21. 22-23 were untripped. Samples were drawn assuming order as edited, marker corrected by EHR
    #24 was 515, #1 was 440...#21 was surface, lanyards shifted by 1 spot to the left (GO pylon)
cast 64: chl max @ 50m
cast 65: chl max @ 0-20m
cast 66: chl max @ 0-20m
cast 67: no notes
cast 68: prodo, type 1
cast 69: no notes
cast 70: chl max @ 88m
cast 71: chl max @ 80m
cast 72: chl max @ 75m, prodo
cast 73: chl max @ 75m, upcast differs from downcast
cast 74: no notes
cast 75: chl max @ 70m, strong gradient
cast 76: low surface S, very sharp S gradient
cast 77: no notes
cast 78: chl max @ surface
cast 79: shoaling bottom, start depth 413m, terminal depth 377m, pinger showed CTD ~10m off bottom at depth
cast 80: no notes
cast 81: chl max @ 0-20m + peak at 80m & transmissometer peak to match
cast 82: chl max @ 10-20, smaller max at 85m; suface salinity < 32 with very sharp gradient at 10m
cast 83: chl max @ 65m, smaller peak at 40m (reversed); bottles #12 & 13 reversed, out of order (#12 @ 85m; #13 @95m)
cast 84: chl max @ 75m; fired #4, no confirmation, fired again, got confirmation; bottle #4 opened at surface, skipped during sampling
cast 85: chl max @ 70m, last station 67.80

Date: 09/06/2016; console ops notes from 9804JD cast notebook


CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 9807NH CTD Final Data
Download 9807NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 9807NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data Note: only one set of T, S, O2 sensors were deployed on casts 01-17; a second set was installed on cast 18
General CTD Notes - data acquisition notes, logistics, processing - see below.
Please note that these regressions are generated from CTD vs final published bottle data after being reprocessed using final bottle data. No nitrate sensor was deployed in 1998 and only one set of T, S, O2 sensors was installed for casts 01-17. Unfortunately, the configuration for cast 19-20 reverted back to one set of sensors so dual sensor data are available for casts 18, 21-70. Bottle oxygen in uM/Kg were calculated from bottle oxygen ml/L. The primary conductivity sensor was problematic so the second sensor was installed. As a result, multiple salinity offsets were applied to the primary salinity since it drifted over the 70 casts.
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing CTD sensor data, 4sec average prior to bottle closure, to bottle samples
T, S, & O2 (second T, S on casts 18-70) Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor

Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4)

Note: the offsets were applied subjectively, with bins derived by looking for a significant change in the bottle - sensor salinity. The secondary salinity is considered the best data available. It is possible that the salt sub-standard shifted during the cruise but this drift is normally corrected in the IEH bottle salt data.

  • Cast 01-07,09 = -0.0100
  • Cast 08 = -0.0415
  • Cast 10-13 = -0.0198
  • Cast 14-17 = -0.0316
  • Cast 18-23 = -0.0248
  • Cast 24-30 = -0.0312
  • Cast 31-37 = -0.0403
  • Cast 38-45 = -0.0469
  • Cast 46-47 = -0.0505
  • Cast 48-57 = -0.0614
  • Cast 58-62 = -0.0681
  • Cast 63-67 = -0.0709
  • Cast 68-70 = -0.0789
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • Cast 18 - second set of TC sensors installed
  • Cast 18-23 = 0.0071
  • Cast 24-30 = 0.0065
  • Cast 31-37 = 0.0071
  • Cast 38-45 = 0.0105
  • Cast 46-47 = 0.0111
  • Cast 48-57 = 0.0122
  • Cast 58-62 = 0.0137
  • Cast 63-67 = 0.0141
  • Cast 68-70 = 0.0142
Sensor Bottle Correction Coefficients Linear Regression 2nd Order Polynomial
Oxygen ml/L (single Seabird SBE13) y = 1.0735x + 0.0173
R² = 0.9972

y = 0.0173x2+0.9639x+0.1363

R² = 0.9977

Oxygen umol/Kg (single SBE13; derived from ml/L) y = 1.0736x + 0.7426
R² = 0.9972

y = 0.0004x2+0.964x+5.9238

R² = 0.9977

Fluorometer y = 1.4279x - 0.0975
R² = 0.8222
y = -0.3255x2+1.8385x - 0.1665
R² = 0.8388
Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a  
General notes: These are cast & final CTD Processing Notes from 9804JD cruise

CalCOFI 9807NH CTD Notes
1998 was an El Nino year and CalCOFI sailed on monthly cruises: 4 typical quarterly cruises and 7 one-week, line 90 & line 80 cruises. 9807NH was the full Summer CalCOFI. At this time, CalCOFI was deploying a SBE 911+ Seabird CTD on a 24-10L rosette using a General Oceanics Pylon (1015-24). A single set of temperature (SBE 3F), conductivity (SBE 4), and oxygen (SBE 13) driven by a 3k pump (SBE 5) were deployed on casts 01-17. Additional sensors on the array were: Seatech 20cm transmissometer, Seatech fluorometer, Biospherical QSP200 remote PAR & Surface PAR, Benthos altimeter & pinger (notes referencing PDR pinger traces may be more reliable than altimeter at that time). The primary conductivity- salinity values were drifting significantly so a second temperature and conductivity sensor set was installed on cast 18. Unfortunately, the new dual sensor .con file was not used on casts 19-20 so only the primary data was recorded. Additionally, although noted in the CTD binder that a new temperature and conductivity sensor were installed on the primary channel. When processing the data, the values were bad for everything - the new temperture and conductivity sensor were installed on the secondary channel and mislabeled in the con. An edited con file was used with the correct coefficients. This mistake was caught on cast 21 and the dual sensor .con file was used for the rest of the cruise. Although a dual sensor con file was used on casts 21-70, the serial numbers and coefficients of the original con files are wrong. Do not use them to process the data. Use 980701b.xmlcon - it uses the See specific cast notes transcribed from the console ops below.

In Sep 2016, the CTD data were reprocessed so importing into the CalCOFI CTD database would be possible. This is the earliest cruise using DOS version of Seasave (v4.233) that could be handle by the current Windows version of Seasoft (v7.23.2). Once asc files were generated, BtlVsCTD (CalCOFI CTD + bottle merging program), was run in Windows 7 to generate CTD.csvs. Plots of CTD 1m profiles with bottle data were generated using Matlab. Both primary and secondary sensor plots were generated for casts 18, 21-70. The secondary salinity data from the CTD is considered the best on cast 18, 21-70.

Cast Notes:
CTD Console Operator Notes (FR, SLC, JRW, EHR, KDH):
Sensors: Pressure SBE9: 26277; Temperature SBE3: 031324; Conductivity SBE4: 357; O2 SBE14:13201;
SBE 9: 91338-1 (new, Homer); Pump: 252; Rem PAR: 4271; Ref PAR: 6139/3149; Fluor: 36s @3x; Trans: T1004D; Pinger used for height off bottom; Seabird Pylon SN#3217964-0217; NMEA using GGA; no surface PAR

Cast 01: 10 bottle prodo cast no notes but CTD configuration information
Cast 02: Chl max @55m; no MER cast today so no extra bottles
Cast 03: chl max @70m; no Mitchell bottle
Cast 04: chl max @ 78m
Cast 05: chl max @ 50
Cast 06: chl max @ 28m; wire wrap problem on upcast - had to stop at 650m & send it back down to 750m. Held for several minutes then started back up. Ed says "no 750m bottle".
cast 07: chl max @ 30m; prodo
cast 08: chl max @ 30m; "only 31mins" noted from 515m to 0m but cast's overall time was 42mins
cast 09: no notes but 58min cast
cast 10: broad chl max with peak @ 95m; swell is pretty big on current course - going down at ~20-30m/mins
cast 11: barely a chl max @ 115m, prodo type III
cast 12: chl max @ 110m
cast 13: chl max @ 118m; O2 sensor looks noisier than usual; prodo; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 14: chl max @ 120m; big swell - going down slow 20m/min. Unusual profile, high salinity layer @ 120m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 15: chl max 120, type III prodo
cast 16: temp inversion 35-55m; almost 0 chl, small peak ~120m; 1 extra Mitchell bottle at surface. Pinger on new PDR stopped working, no bottom depth
cast 17: very small chl max @ 100m; PDR still not working = no bottom depth
cast 18: prodo sta; added ODF T,C, & pump to our system - set as primary, ours as secondary (but that is wrong, FR cabled the new sensors onto the secondary channel). Need to process with relabeled sensors in the con file, old coefficients but new sensor serial #s. Using 3.5kHz echosounder to find bottom.
cast 19: FR used the old con file so single sensor configuration was used; only one T,C, & O2 recorded. chl max @115m
cast 20: broad chl max with peak @ 80m; SLC used old con file too, only one T,C, & O2 recorded. Need to process with relabeled sensors in the con file, old coefficients but new sensor serial #s
cast 21: chl max @ 75m, prodo sta; Keeling Sta; changed CTD computer date - added 1 day (was reading 13th not 14th); using correct con file finally - MLRG salinity was reading ~0.02 units higher than ODF salinity (CUDLS was even lower); 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 22: chl max @ 40m, scheduled "Rathburn" station cancelled because echosounder not working properly & altimeter is inconsistent. Removed PAR sensor and noticed salts (sic) on one pin of the connectoe, cleanded and greased before next cast; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 23: chl max @ ~20-50m; ; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 24: chl max @ 38m; CTD @ 10m prior to start of cast T1=17.8220 S1= 33.4358, T2 = 17.8220 S2 = 33.4550. S2 ~ 0.02 units higher than S1; conductivity sensors ~same
cast 25: chl max @ 50m
cast 26: chl max @ 55m, altimeter is working!
cast 27: chl max @ 50m type II, prodo station; "altimeter displayed on the status...useless" (FR comment); 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 28: chl max @ ~30m; shallow sta (probably used the altimeter on this station); 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 29: chl max @ 40m; station position changed slightly due to El Segundo tanker mooring being moved too close to original station position
cast 30, 31: chl max @ 38m
cast 32: prodo station; chl max @ 30m type I; secchi depth 25m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 33: chl max @~8m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 34: chl max @ 35m; Surface to 30m+ totally changed between up & down trace!!! ~33.46 >>> 33.20, 16.8 >>> 15.3 down values vs upcast; did not see this feature on replot of the cast after sta(?); Bug sucked thru pump???(and spit out) *SLC notes verbatum
cast 35: chl max @ 30m, no notes
cast 36: chl max @ 30m & 55m
cast 37: chl max @ 80m; downcast speed 45m/min; prodo sta; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 38: chl max @ 98m; cast started down slower than usual due to ship rolling; bottle #21 tripped for Mitchell, MER cast cancelled at last minute so not sampled
cast 39: chl max @ 110m
cast 40: chl max @ 100m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 41: chl max @ 120m
cast 42: chl max @ 100m
cast 43: chl max @ 117m; extra surface bottle (#21) for O2 test case
cast 44: chl max @ 100m type III prodo station; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 45: multiple chl max @ 20-50m,55-95, & @110m; chose Type I for 10m spacing to 120m; a lot of structure in 250-400m O2+T+S
cast 46: broad chl max from ~20-40m; missed the 85m bottle at first, tripped 70m then back down for 85m = yo-yo
cast 47: High chl max @ 20m; fired an extra 30m bottle by mistake, no sample from duplicate
cast 48: chl max @ 40m, secchi depth 20m, prodo station type I; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 49: chl max @ 50m, type II; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 50: shallow station 30m, chl max @ 16m
cast 51: Santa Barbara Basin, chl max @ 30m & 50m, must be Santa Ana offshore winds - it's warm and still out here, NO swell and moths and insects everywhere. Winch came up to 370 then back down to 378 = yo-yo'd
cast 52: shallow - 75m; altimeter working at startup; chl max @ 22m
cast 53: chl max @ 25m; missed 30m bottle at first, done after 20m bottle = yo-yo
cast 54: chl max @ 25m, type I prodo station, secchi depth = 17m; MER cast cancelled due to malfunction of the winch; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 55: chl max @ 75m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 56: chl max @ 107m, nice temp inversion 90-100m; 4 extra bottles tripped at max depth to collect culture H2O for Tiffany Moisan
cast 57: chl max @ 98m; 45m mixed layer
cast 58: chl max @ 115m type III prodo station; secchi dpeth 27m; cast uptime ~30min, "too fast" noted
cast 59: chl max @ 110m, 2 extra Mitchell bottles; 2 extra Palenik bottles = 4 extra bottles at surface
cast 60: chl max @110m type III; tripped 4 extra bottles at max depth for Tiffany Moisan
cast 61: chl max @ 80m
cast 62: chl max @ 40m type I prodo station, secchi depth 23m (post-it note: retabulate salt offsets sta 62 - bath temp listed as 75degF. This refers to the tabulation of salinity offsets done at sea for QC)
cast 63: chl max @ 35m; nice temp, salt, O2 inversion @420-470m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 64: chl max @ 45m - used type I for 10m spacing 10-70m; chl bloom from suface to 70m
cast 65: chl max @ 25m; shallow station 240m; sitting in trough
cast 66: chl max @ 30m; last station for awhile (ie bad weather)
cast 67: chl max @ 0-30m; sea is like glass after 24+hrs, deck unit beeped for several seconds on upcast between 440-380m - no apparent error (no error light)
cast 68: chl max @ 25m, type I prodo station secchi depther 20m; 2 extra Mitchell bottles
cast 69: chl max @ 25m + outcrops surface; bottle #14 just below sharp salt + O2 gradient, #15 right in gradient
cast 70: chl max @ 20m; bottom depth very irregular - obviously; last station!. Canyons/ridges around CTD. Played it safe with CTD depth. new PDR gives a deep bottom depth when a ridge is recording a much shallower depth on the trace but numerical depth given is too deep

Date: 10/11/2016; console ops notes from 9807NH cast notebook. Transcribed by JRW


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