CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0701JD CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 12/2018)
NOAA 0701JD Cruise Report pdf
Download 0701JD CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0701JD FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) -0.0013 0.0000
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor        ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.2195x - 0.0349
R² = 0.9996
y = 1.2195x - 1.5156
R² = 0.9996
Nitrate - Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#111 v2)

y = 29.954x - 11.539
R² = 0.9713

Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 3.3271x - 0.0951

R² = 0.7175

y = 1.7447x2+ 2.1954x - 0.0078

R² = 0.7285

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0701JD12 Jan - 03 Feb 2007 (Legs 1 & 2) • NOAA RV David Starr JordanSan Diego to Monterey to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0701JD on NOAA RV David Starr Jordan Leg 1 successfully occupied 74 of 75 scheduled stations Jan 12 - 30. Acoustic calbration was not performed but fueling took several hours, delaying ship departure till 1500PST.  Arrival to the 1st CalCOFI station was ~1735PST Jan 12, missing the 1st day prodo station. Leg I's last station was 76.7 100.0, completing the standard pattern; 8 of 9 SCCOOS stations were occupied on Leg I. SCCOOS sta 88.5 30.1 was dropped because the cruise track did not sail north along the coast after Line 90, going WSW.

From NOAA's 0701JD Cruise Report:

  • Leg I: Departed the Nimitz Marine Facility at 0800 on January 12, 2007 and moved to the Navy fuel pier to begin fueling. Departed the fuel pier around 15:00 and proceeded to the first station (93.3/26.7 - position 32° 57.38N 117° 18.32W). Continued to occupy stations up to 76.7 100.0 at which time operations were discontinued and the ship pulled into Monterey, California to complete leg I on January 31.
  • Leg II: Departed Monterey on January 31 after exchanging scientific personnel and began occupying stations on line 66.7. Completed stations out to 85.0 and then returned to San Diego on February 3, 2007.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#2206), and O2 sensor (#1075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#722) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111); remote PAR (#4544), surface PAR (#6369) was connected.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0701JD CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

On CalCOFI 0701JD, we tested starting CTD data acquisition on deck instead of waiting till after the 10min soak. We typically start data acquisition ~10mins before the cast but do not archive (save) the data. Starting archiving on deck insures data are acquired during the downcast. Since operators have to initiate archiving upon return to surface from 10m, it is sometimes forgotten.
Even though Seabird's data processing module Loopedit will remove the surface soak automatically. It causes problems with the SCCOOS casts since they are often less than the Loopedit's 20m depth settings. So for this cruise, Loopedit was applied to all stations deeper than 50m but shallow stations were not loopedited. We do not plan on adopting on-deck data archiving as a standard practice.

Bottle sample data fliers were removed before plotting bottle samples vs CTD data, generating the correction regressions.

1000m CTD casts were performed on Line 66.7 (MBARI-SECRET) on Leg II this cruise.

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

CalCOFI 0701JD CTD Data Processing Notes Seabird 911+ CTD with Deck Unit v1 requires AlignCTD of secondary conductivity sensor by 0.73sec. This has been applied along with a 4sec oxygen sensor offset. V0 - Transmissometer V1 - Seapoint Fluorometer V2 - ISUS v2 Nitrate sensor, user-polynomial V3 - open V4 - SBE43 O2 sensor V5 - open V6 - Altimeter V7 - PAR V15 - Surface PAR.  Please note there is only one oxygen sensor deployed in 2007. Secondary sensor plots will only have O2 bottle data, no secondary O2 profiles.
There were cabling or battery problems with the ISUS on multiple casts: Casts 027, 040, 053 - 059 - poor or no data collected. Data codes annotate these issues in the data csvs. The SIO-CalCOFI CTD-rosette with ISUS stayed onboard & was deployed on Leg II. Nine stations on Line 66.7 had CTD casts to 1000m. These data are included in the data csvs & plots. On Leg II, 12 bottle samples (vs 20) including nutrients were collected and processed at sea.

Cast 058, sta 83.3 110, is split into two casts 058 & 058b - the upcast was interrupted and required stopping data acquistion. Cast 058b is ~86m to surface upcast data. These data have been merged into cast 058 data files.

JRW 12/13/2018


CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0704JD CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 11/2018)
NOAA 0704JD Cruise Report pdf
Download 0704JD CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0704JD FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) -0.0016 0.0003
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor        ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.2433x - 0.0442
R² = 0.9998
y = 1.2433x - 1.9197
R² = 0.9998
Nitrate - Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#111 v2)

y = 31.635x - 3.4081
R² = 0.9975

Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 2.6759x - 0.0761

R² = 0.6703

y = 1.4515x2+ 1.3642x + 0.052

R² = 0.7354

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0704JD28 Mar - 29 Apr 2007 (Legs 1 & 2) • NOAA RV David Starr JordanSan Diego to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0704JD on NOAA RV David Starr Jordan Leg 1 successfully occupied 57 of 75 scheduled stations Mar 28 - Apr 15. Acoustic calbration was performed so arrival to the 1st CalCOFI station was ~2130PST Mar 28, missing the 1st day prodo station. Leg I's last station was 80.0 100.0; only 4 of the 9 SCCOOS stations were occupied on Leg I.

From NOAA's 0704JD Cruise Report:

  • Leg I:  Departed the Nimitz Marine Facility (MARFAC) at 0800 on March 27, 2007 and moved to an anchorage off of Harbor Island to calibrate  the  EK-60  scientific  sounder.    Completed  calibration operations around noon and moved to the Navy fuel pier for fueling operations. Departed the fuel pier around 1600 and proceeded to the first  station  (93.3/26.7  -  position  32°  57.38'N  117°  18.32'W). Continued  to  occupy  stations  up  to  80.0  100.0  at  which  time operations  were  discontinued  and  the  ship  pulled  back  into  San Diego (MARFAC), California to complete leg I on April 16.
  • Leg  II:  Departed  the  Nimitz  Marine  Facility  on  April  19  after exchanging scientific  personnel  and  gear  and  began  trawling operations within the California bight. Pulled into Port San Luis on April 23 to exchange scientific personnel which completed leg II.
  • Leg  III:  After  completion  of  the  personnel  exchange,  the  ship remained anchored in the lee of Point San Luis to complete the overboard  installation  of  the  multi-beam  transducer.  Once installment was complete, operations continued at station 76.7/49.0 (35° 5.295'N 120° 46.644'W) since occupation of line 76.7 was not performed on leg I due to delays and weather.  The Jordan concluded the survey in San Francisco, California on May 1, 2007.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#2206), and O2 sensor (#1075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#722) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#109-P. Franks); remote PAR (#4544), surface PAR (#6369) was connected.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0704JD CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

1000m CTD casts were performed on Line 66.7 (MBARI-SECRET) on Leg III this cruise.

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

CalCOFI 0704JD CTD Data Processing Notes Seabird 911+ CTD with Deck Unit v1 requires AlignCTD of secondary conductivity sensor by 0.73sec. This has been applied along with a 4sec oxygen sensor offset. V0 - Transmissometer V1 - Seapoint Fluorometer V2 - ISUS v2 Nitrate sensor, user-polynomial V3 - open V4 - SBE43 O2 sensor V5 - open V6 - Altimeter V7 - PAR V15 - Surface PAR Please note there is only one oxygen sensor deployed in 2007. Secondary sensor plots will only have O2 bottle data, no secondary O2 profiles.
There were no real issues with the ISUS this cruise except Cast 001 NO3 vs ISUS voltages were removed from the correction regression. Although the same CTD-rosetter was deployed on Legs II & III, no ISUS was deployed.  Bottle sample nutrients including NO3 samples were collected and processed.

JRW 11/30/2018


CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0707NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 10/2018)
Download 0707NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0707NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) 0.0014 -0.0023
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor        ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0517x - 0.075
R² = 0.9995
y = 1.0516x - 3.2564
R² = 0.9995
Nitrate - Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#111 v2)

Cast 001 - 012
y = 27.377x - 6.7174
R² = 0.9651

Cast 013 - 046
y = 19.829x - 7.3125
R² = 0.9496
Cast 047 - 073
y = 30.799x - 10.605
R² = 0.9962
Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 2.7731x + 0.0148

R² = 0.7973

y = -0.3207x2 + 3.4143x - 0.0682

R² = 0.8174

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0707NH28 Jun - 14 Jul 2007SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0707NH on SIO RV New Horizon successfully occupied 73 of 75 scheduled stations. Two SCCOOS stations were not occupied: 85.4 35.8 & 81.7 43.5. Acoustic calbration was not performed so arrival to the 1st CalCOFI station was ~1000PST Jun 28 in time for prodo station.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#0722), and O2 sensor (#1075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#031324), Conductivity (#2206) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111); remote PAR (#4544), RV New Horizon surface PAR was connected.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0707NH CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

No deep CTD casts (>800m) were performed this cruise

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

CalCOFI 0707NH CTD Data Processing Notes Seabird 911+ CTD with Deck Unit v1 requires AlignCTD of secondary conductivity sensor by 0.73sec. This has been applied along with a 4sec oxygen sensor offset. V0 - Transmissometer V1 - Seapoint Fluorometer V2 - ISUS v2 Nitrate sensor, user-polynomial V3 - open V4 - SBE43 O2 sensor V5 - open V6 - Altimeter V7 - PAR V15 - Surface PAR Please note there is only one oxygen sensor deployed in 2007. Secondary sensor plots will only have O2 bottle data, no secondary O2 profiles. There were some issues with the ISUS this cruise. It turns out the light pipe had become loose which caused a different relationship with nitrate. So this cruise had three (essentially two) regressions - Cast 001-012 & Cast 047-073, although processed in two bins with slightly different regressions, were essentially the same; Cast 013-046 had a loose ISUS light pipe which was discovered then tighten for cast 047. See the ISUSVvsNO3 regression plot for specific coefficients. The sta-corrected estimated ISUS nitrate would not be affected since the relationship is dynamically calculated for each cast. Other issues with the ISUS were primarily the battery providing enough voltage. Batteries were swapped after 3 casts and sometimes did not power the ISUS for the entire cast or at all. CTD operators may have forgotten to plug in the battery as well. Cast 068 hdr Line & Station were misentered as 76.780.0 and corrected to 76.7 80.0. No data codes have been entered into this cruise. Primarily, the ISUS sensor voltage 2 would be the main recipient of data quality codes of 8 or 9. I hope to get back to this, time-permitting.

JRW 09/20/2018


CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0711NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 08/2018)
Download 0711NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0711NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) -0.0001 0.0004
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor        ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 0.9865x - 0.0057
R² = 0.9998
y = 0.9864x - 0.2399
R² = 0.9998
Nitrate - Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#111 v2) y = 30.6x - 7.7116
R² = 0.9855
Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 3.841x ‐ 0.1015

R² = 0.7137

y = 1.5823x2 + 3.0722x ‐ 0.057

R² = 0.7226

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0711NH02 - 14 Nov 2007SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0711NH on SIO RV New Horizon successfully occupied 67 of 75 scheduled stations. Three standard stations (80.0 100, 76.7 100.0, 76.7 49.0) & five SCCOOS stations (91.7 26.4, 86.8 32.5, 85.4 35.8, 81.7 43.5, 80.0 50.5), were missed. Acoustic calbration was performed in San Diego Bay Nov 2nd so arrival to the 1st CalCOFI station was ~2300PST Nov 2nd.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#0722), and O2 sensor (#1075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#031324), Conductivity (#2206) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111); remote PAR (#4544), RV New Horizon surface PAR was connected.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0711NH CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

No deep CTD casts (>800m) were performed this cruise

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

There were problems with the primary sensor array that took five casts to troubleshoot. Turns out the sensors were fine but there were problems with the cables. Solution was finally replacing both sets of T, C cables & the pump Y-cable. It is recommended to use the bottle sample data vs the CTD sensor data. Data quality codes have been added to these casts.

Cast and Console Ops Notes:

Cast 001 sta 93.3 26.7: 9 bottle cast to 75m, 82m bottom; chl max ~18m; primary sensor profiles were extremely noisy so a second cast (001b) was performed without closing bottles. Other problems - there was a hydralic leak that delayed the cast ~20mins; GPS feed to deck unit displaying longitude as "E" instead of "W"
Cast 001B sta 93.3 26.7: recast CTD profiles without stopping for bottles since the sensors were not working properly - same problem, no improvement.
Cast 002 SCCOOS sta 93.4 26.4: 4 bottle cast to 15m; 22m bottom; salinity profile noisy; GPS still flakey
Cast 003 sta 93.3 28.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 0-150m T, S, & O2 profiles bad on downcast; GPS still flakey
Cast 004 sta 93.3 30.0: 22-bottle prodo cast to 515m; chl max 28m, 21m secchi; 0-150m T, S, & O2 profiles bad on downcast; GPS still flakey
Cast 005 sta 93.3 35.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 16m, secchi 11m; Primary T & C sensors changed but coefficients were not edited, secondary sensor data recorded on console ops but secondary salinity was off; GPS still flakey
Cast 006 sta 93.3 40.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 30m; 30m/min to 100m, 50m/min to 300m, 55m/min to 515m; replaced T1, C1, T2, C2, pump y-cable and 2nd pump. Data finally looks good but GPS still displaying E.
Cast 007 sta 93.3 45.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; new ISUS battery installed orecast; chl max 32m
Cast 008 sta 93.3 50.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; all sensors working properly
Cast 009 sta 93.3 55.0: 22-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 35m chl max, 12m mixed layer, 27m secchi depth; very calm w/ long period swell
Cast 010 sta 93.3 60.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; large rolls at start of upcast & first bottle trips, ship repositioned to 380deg; 38m chl max
Cast 011 sta 93.3 70.0: 20-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 20m chl max
Cast 012 sta 93.3 80.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 50m chl max
Cast 013 sta 93.3 90.0: 24-bottle prodo cast to 515m; chl max 58m
Cast 014 sta 93.3 100.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; 45m chl max, 40m mixed layer; large rolls; DI flushing tubes attached to pump left on so there may be a slight pressure influence
Cast 015 sta 93.3 110.0: 22-bottle cast to 515m; 54m chl max; O2 feature @250m
Cast 016 sta 93.3 120.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 017 sta 90.0 120.0: 24-bottle prodo cast to 515m; chl max 48m; 21m secchi; moderate sea state
Cast 018 sta 90.0 110.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 32m; -0.1 pressure coefficient offset added (3.5 > 3.6)
Cast 019 sta 90.0 100.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; suspected deck unit was causing the GPS problem (001-018), swapping deck units fixed the problem 100%
Cast 020 sta 90.0 90.0: 23-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 18m secchi; secondary temperature suspect, disagrees with primary by 1degC and primary agrees with MET at surface
Cast 021 sta 90.0 80.0: 21-bottle prodo cast to 515m; mislabeled 90.0 90.0 on console ops - files look ok; calm & sunny; T2 & C2 sensors seem to be working fine so last cast T2, C2, O2 may have been bio-fouled
Cast 022 sta 90.0 70.0: 22-bottle cast to 515m;  23m chl max
Cast 023 sta 90.0 60.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 024 sta 90.0 53.0: 24-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 8m secchi
Cast 025 sta 90.0 45.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 18m chl max
Cast 026 sta 90.0 37.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 0-27m, mixed layer 27m
Cast 027 sta 90.0 35.0: 18-bottle cast to 300m; bottom 309m
Cast 028 sta 90.0 30.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 029 sta 90.0 28.0: 13-bottle prodo cast to 85m; 104m bottom; bottle #4 mistripped, went back down to get 50m bottle (#13); bead of bottle lanyard #4 got caught on CTD wire
Cast 030 SCCOOS sta 90.0 27.7: 5 bottle cast to 19m, 24m bottom
Cast 031 SCCOOS sta 88.5 30.1: 4-bottle cast to 15m; 21m bottom; lots of surface chop
Cast 032 sta 86.7 33.0: 8-bottle cast to 50m, altimeter 6.2m, bottom 58.6m; chl max 10m
Cast 033 sta 86.7 35.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 18m chl max, 10m mixed layer
Cast 034 sta 86.7 40.0: Santa Monica Basin station; 24-bottle cast to 755m; bottom changing from 767 to 761m; altimeter read 7m from bottom at depth
Cast 035 sta 86.7 45.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 036 sta 86.7 50.0: San Nicolas Island station, shallow 78m bottom, 11-bottle prodo cast to 68m; ISUS not plugged in, no data, plug check post-cast & looked ok
Cast 037 sta 86.7 55.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; 12m chl max; extra marker @440m, edited out post-cast
Cast 038 sta 86.7 60.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; pr offset changed from 3.65 to 3.60
Cast 039 sta 86.7 70.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; 18m chl max
Cast 040 sta 86.7 80.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; ISUS battery changed post-cast
Cast 041 sta 86.7 90.0: 23-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 11m secchi
Cast 042 sta 86.7 100.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 35m; moderate seas
Cast 043 sta 86.7 110.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 56m, 40m mixed layer; heavy seas, going down 30m/min then 36m/min to depth
Cast 044 sta 83.3 110.0: 23-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 79m chl max, 29m secchi; hot outside with good swell; ISUS dropped out at depth, battery swapped post-cast
Cast 045 sta 83.3 100.0: 22-bottle cast to 515m; 80m chl max, 45m mixed layer; rough conditions, large swell & high winds; downcast & upcast salinity noticably different
Cast 046 sta 83.3 90.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 45m, mixed layer 28m; rough, windy, cold night; down slow at 30m/min then 40m/min
Cast 047 sta 83.3 80.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m but surface bottle not tripped, no seawater samples
Cast 048 sta 83.3 70.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; no prodo today "short on time"; 39m chl max; ISUS misbehaving @depth, dropped out @450m, battery cable suspect since new battery
Cast 049 sta 83.3 60.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; chl max 0-30m, 30m mixed layer; ISUS working; rough, windy, cold night
Cast 050 sta 83.3 55.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 051 sta 83.3 51.0: 11-bottle cast to 90m, 98m bottom
Cast 052 sta 83.3 42.0: 13-bottle prodo cast to 120m; 133m bottom; chl max 10m, 11m secchi; flat calm beautiful day; ISUS dropouts again even though battery was changed before the cast & cables were cleaned
Cast 053 sta 83.3 40.6: 6-bottle cast to 30m; 34m bottom; chl max 10m; late station due to medical emergency/evacuation of person
Cast 054 sta SCCOOS 83.3 39.4: 5-bottle cast to 15m, 21m bottom; red tide, chl max 10m
Cast 055 sta 81.8 46.9: Santa Barbara Basin, 24-bottle cast to 574m; all sensors operational entire cast
Cast 056 sta 80.0 51.0: 9-bottle cast to 65m; 75m bottom
Cast 057 sta 80.0 55.0: 22-bottle prodo cast to 515m; chl max 30m, secchi 16m; JRW 50th bday
Cast 058 sta 80.0 60.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 33m chl max; moderate seas
Cast 059 sta 80.0 70.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; 40m chl max, 23m mixed layer
Cast 060 sta 80.0 80.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m
Cast 061 sta 80.0 90.0: 21-bottle prodo cast to 515m; 12m secchi
Cast 062 sta 76.7 90.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; 20m chl max
Cast 063 sta 76.7 80.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; 18m chl max
Cast 064 sta 76.7 70.0: 21-bottle prodo cast to 515m
Cast 065 sta 76.7 60.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m; 15m chl max
Cast 066 sta 76.7 55.0: 21-bottle cast to 515m; 10m chl max; large swells, down at 30 then 40m/min; lots of adjusting for bottle depths
Cast 067 sta 76.7 51.0: 16-bottle cast to 231m; 241m bottom; quick CTD cast, only 25sec soak/bottle so we have time for nets; calmer & foggy; last sta

JRW 09/20/2018


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