CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0511NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 03/2019)
Download 0511NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0511NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) -0.0040 -0.0063
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor                                 ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.1655x ‐ 0.0907
R² = 0.9956
y = 1.1654x ‐ 3.9386
R² = 0.9956
Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#919) deployed y = 27.478x ‐ 7.4693
R² = 0.9949
SCUFA Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions, Casts 001 - 019   y = 63.737x2 + 9.8507x ‐ 0.2321
R² = 0.6630
Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions, Casts 020 - 072 y = 6.4626x ‐ 0.401
R² = 0.756

y = 3.1188x2 + 3.3496x ‐ 0.0992

R² = 0.8018

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Voltage vs Bottle Nitrate SCUFA Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a: Casts 001 - 019
  Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a: Casts 020 - 072

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

0511NH Actual Cruise Track & Station Pattern

CalCOFI 0511NH04 - 21 Nov 2005 • SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

CalCOFI 0511NH occupied 72 of 75 scheduled stations; stas 83.3 100, 83.3 90.0, 83.3 80.0 were missed due to rough weather. So 63 standard stations and 9 SCCOOS stations were done. Sensor data quality was atypically bad especially on the secondary sensors. Many troubleshooting attempts did remedy the problems. Some data were lost on either downcast or upcast but fortunately not both except when powering the ISUS was an issue. Batteries were swapped after every 3 casts since charging the battery on the rosette was not implimented yet. Forgetting to unplug the battery could cause fewer than 3 casts to be powered.
Casts 001 -019 had the SCUFA fluorometer. Casts 020 - 072 had the Seapoint fluorometer. These casts were processed separately so different regression coefficients from the SCUFA vs bottle chla samples & Seapoint vs bottle chla samples could be applied. Due to the noisy nature of the New Horizon seacable, both Loopedit and Wildedit Seabird modules were applied. Please refer to each casts hdr file for specific module settings and order of application. All other CTD sensors were not changed during the cruise. There were configuration (cabling) issues with the T1/C1 & T2/C2 on the first 3 casts. But these were sorted out and the .asc & .csv files should be fine.
Seabird 911+ configuration:
Please refer to text file: FirstThreeCastTCConfig.txt for specific sensor ids.

Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#2206), and O2 sensor (#680), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#722) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con; used original calculated M & B); SCUFA (fluorometer used on casts 001-019; Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x) used on casts 020-072; Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604);  MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111) Nitrate sensor; remote PAR (#4544), surface PAR (SN 6369).
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0511NH CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons. Original data processor (FR) did not removed O2 fliers on regression plots.

Deepest CTD cast was 722m at sta 86.7 40.0 Cast 036, Santa Monica Basin.

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

General Notes: We started data acquisition AFTER deploying and 2 minutes @10m soak. Loopedit & Wildedit were applied to all casts.

CTD Setup:

V0 - Tr (CST490DR), original M & B were used
V1 - SCUFA Fluorometer on casts 001-019; Seapoint Fluorometer set at 10x on casts 020-072
V2 - ISUS Nitrate Sensor, battery powered
V3 - open
V4 - SBE43 Oxygen Sensor (only one deployed pre-2009)
V5 - open
V6 - Benthos/Datasonic Altimeter
V7 - PAR
V15 - SPAR

Sensors: T1 - SN1324; T2 - SN1049; C1 - SN2206; C2 - SN722; O2 - SN680; PAR - 4544; SPAR - SN6369

Reprocessing in 2019 used the original final .asc files to merge with bottle data. Although new .asc files were generated using wfilter applied to ISUS and other data. These specific columns were imported into the CTD.csvs that were generated from the original 2011 merging of final bottle data & CTD data. Additionally, tranmissometer data were missing from the 2011 CTD.csvs so these data columns, BAT (beam attenuation coefficient) & XMiss (% transmission) were also imported. The original M & B were used, not recalculated.
Other cast issues noted during processing:
Mislabel line.sta in .hdrs: 
Cast 030 Line.Sta was misformatted as 90.27.7; corrected to 90.0 27.7
Cast 052 Line.Sta was misformatted as 83.40.6; corrected to 83.3 40.6
Cast 077 Line.Sta was misformatted as 90.37; corrected to 90.0 37.0
Other casts had integer Line.Sta but these were parsed correctly
Data issues:
Cast 030 downcast salinities ~4-6m were high so data coded "8" (questionable)
Cast 066 downcast temperature 2 and salinity 2 were bad (biofouling) from 44-87m. These
  data were flagged "9" and nulled. The .bak file is available in the bak subdir if you 
  want to see the original values. 
Cast 070 upcast salinity 2 was bad so data coded accordingly; downcast looks fine.

JRW 03/12/2019