CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0607NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 01/2019)
Download 0607NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0607NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) -0.0019 0.0002
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor                                 ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0721x ‐ 0.0708
R² = 0.9993
y = 1.0721x ‐ 3.0801
R² = 0.9993
No Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN#111 v2) deployed y =
R² =
Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions y = 3.8487x ‐ 0.1484
R² = 0.7709

y = 0.8624x2 + 2.8827x ‐ 0.0548
R² = 0.7805

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
  Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0607NH08 - 24 Jul 2006SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0607NH on SIO RV New Horizon successfully occupied 74 of 75 scheduled stations. One SCCOOS station, 85.4 35.8 (Pt Dume) was not occupied due to limited ship time. Acoustic calbration was not performed in San Diego Bay so day 1's primary productivity experiment was performed on the 1st station 93.3 26.7..

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#2206), and O2 sensor (#680), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#1049), Conductivity (#722) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-490DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con; new M & B calculated during 2019 reporcessing); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111) ISUS NOT deployed this cruise (on Process cruise); remote PAR (#4544), surface PAR (SN 6369).
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Altimeter; V7-Remote PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2
V6 Altimeter
V7 Remote PAR

CalCOFI 0607NH CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

A deep CTD casts to 770m was performed at sta 86.7 40.0 Cast 036 Santa Monica Basin this cruise. All 24 10L bottles were tripped, seawater samples collected for regular analysis.

Only one O2 sensor was deployed and a SBE11v1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec) was used.

General Notes: We started data acquisition on deck BEFORE deploying and 10m soak. It is necessary to run Loopedit to remove the noisy data from 0-10m "2-minute" soak before returning back to surface.
Some shallow casts (003, 032, 055) were not loopedited since it eliminated too much data. These casts were manually scanned for the appropriate number of scans to skip then binavg.
Cast 003 - 19080 scans were skipped when binavg, no loopedit
Cast 032 - 13058 scans were skipped when binavg, no loopedit
Cast 055 - 11790 scans were skipped when binavg, no loopedit

CTD Setup:

Transmissometer important note:
V0 - Tr (CST490DR), new M & B were calculated from the min/max voltages in air from 13 deck tests.
Min voltage = 0.0562, Max voltage changed but highest (Deck071) was 4.7741

Deck 001: 0.0574, 4.6801
Deck 007: 0.0562, 4.7314
Deck 016: 0.0562, 4.3993
Deck 019: 0.0586, 4.7558
Deck 023: 0.0562, 3.9414
Deck 027: 0.0562, 2.6606
Deck 033: 0.0562, 4.6410
Deck 047: 0.0562, 4.1905
Deck 051: 0.0562, 4.6532
Deck 057: 0.0574, 4.1819
Deck 063: 0.0574, 4.7375
Deck 067: 0.0574, 4.6484
Deck 071: 0.0562, 4.7741

M using 4.7741 & 0.0562 = 19.3598048
B = -1.08802103

M & B in the individual .con files were from last cruise so a new .con file (0607_AllCastNewTrMB.xmlcon) was used on all stations since no sensors were changed during the cruise.

V1 - Seapoint Fluorometer set at 10x
V2 - open
V3 - open
V4 - SBE43 Oxygen Sensor (only one deployed pre-2009)
V5 - open
V6 - Benthos/Datasonic Altimeter
V7 - PAR
V15 - SPAR
Sensors: T1 - SN1324; T2 - SN1049; C1 - SN2206; C2 - SN722; O2 - SN680; PAR - 4544; SPAR - SN6369

Quality Coded Casts:
Cast 065U - O2 data from 10-20m quality coded 9, due to dropout or biofouling

No ISUS this cruise so very few quality codes were needed.

JRW 01/30/2019