Announcement: CalCOFI 1901RL was delayed by the government shutdown until Feb so please refer to 1902RL since CalCOFI did not sail in Jan.
Cruise Dates:  07 Jan 2019 (Mon) -  24 Jan 2019 (Thu), 18 Days at sea
Loading: Early loading & setup 17-19 Dec 2018 then final setup 02-04 Jan 2019 with departure 07 Mon 2019
Offloading: 25 Jan (Fri) 2019 San Diego, CA
Partiicpant Forms: NOAA Medical Forms - required for all cruise participants sailing Jan 09 2018
Ship: FSV Reuben Lasker
Station plan: 104 Stations (95 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS) - standard 75 stations then additional stations, weather & time-permitting in 18 DAS
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Bryan Overcash, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Dan Schuller, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

Announcement: CalCOFI 1904RL Cruise Instructions
Cruise Dates:  Leg 1: 02 - 18 Apr 2019 (Tue-Thu; 17 DAS); Leg 2: 23 - 29 Apr 2019 (Tue-Mon; 7 DAS)
Loading: Loading & Setup 27 Mar & 01 Apr 2019 with departure 02 Apr 2019
Offloading: 19 Apr 2019 (Fri) 10th Ave Marine Terminal San Diego
Partiicpant Forms: NOAA Medical Forms - required for all cruise participants sailing 01 Apr 2019
Ship: FSV Reuben Lasker
Station plan: 102 Stations (~95 CalCOFI + 6 SCCOOS); 72 southern stations (-3 SCCOOS stas: 91.7 26.4, 85.4 35.8, 81.7 43.5) & as many stations on Lines 73.3 & 70.0 as time permits
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Bryan Overcash, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Dan Schuller, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

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