

RV New Horizon

Interested in volunteering for an oceanographic cruise? Volunteers are recruited to help deploy equipment, collect data, and draw & analyze seawater samples.

Announcement: CalCOFI 1701RL Draft Cruise Instructions
Cruise Dates: Thursday, 05 Jan 2017 - Sunday, 29 Jan 2017
Loading: Tuesday, 03 Jan 2017 - Wednesday, 06 Jan 2017 ; 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego, CA
Offloading: 30 Jan 2017; 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego, CA
Partiicpant Forms: NOAA Medical Forms - required for all cruise participants sailing Jan 05 2017
Ship: RV Reuben Lasker
Station plan: 104 Stations (95 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Amy Hays, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Dave Wolgast, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

Announcement: CalCOFI 1704SH Final Cruise Instructions
Cruise Dates: Leg I: Tuesday, 28 Mar 2017 - ~Saturday 15 Apr 2017, San Diego to Monterey CA
  Leg II: ~Saturday 15 Apr - Friday 21 Apr 2017, Monterey to San Francisco CA
Loading: Saturday 25 Mar - Monday 27 Mar 2017 at 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego, CA
Offloading: Friday 21 Apr - Sunday 23 Apr 2017 in San Francisco; location Pier30/32
Partiicpant Forms: NOAA Medical Forms - required for all cruise participants sailing 28 Mar 2017 or 15 Apr 2017
Ship: RV Bell M Shimada
Station plan: 104 Stations (95 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Amy Hays, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Dan Schuller, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

Project: CalCOFI 1708SR
Cruise Dates: Depart 0800 01 Aug; Return 1600 16 Aug 2017 (Tue-Wed)
Load Dates: 28 Jul 2017 0900 SIO truck-preload; 30 - 31 Jul 2017 (Sun-Mon) at Nimitz Marine Facility (MarFac) San Diego
Offload Date: 17 Aug 2017 (Thu) at MarFac
Ship: SIO R/V Sally Ride
Station plan: 75 Standard (66 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS); Predicted Sta Schedule; Cruise Instructions
Cruise Forms:  Ship Scheduling User Portal; Please login and fill out the mandatory participants forms
Cruise Map: 75 Stations
Contacts: Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, Chief Scientist, SIO-IOD
  Amy Hays, NMFS (Fisheries Technical Coordinator); Bryan Overcash, NMFS

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