

RV New Horizon

Interested in volunteering for an oceanographic cruise? Volunteers are recruited to help deploy equipment, collect data, and draw & analyze seawater samples.

Project: CalCOFI 1611SR (UNOLS SR1611)
Cruise Dates:  Depart 0800 06 Nov, Return 0800 22 Nov 2016 (Sun-Tue)
Load Dates: 03 - 05 Nov 2016 (Thu-Sat) at Nimitz Marine Facility (MarFac) San Diego
Offload Date: 22 Nov 2016 (Tue); upon arrival to MarFac
Ship: SIO R/V Sally Ride
Station plan: 75 Standard (66 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS); Predicted Sta Schedule; Cruise Instructions
Cruise Forms:  Ship Scheduling User Portal; Please login and fill out the mandatory participants forms
Cruise Map: 75 Stations
Contacts: James Wilkinson, Chief Scientist, SIO-IOD
  Dave Griffith, NMFS (Fisheries Technical Coordinator); Bryan Overcash, NMFS

Announcement: CalCOFI 1601RL Cruise Instructions
Cruise Dates: 06 Jan 2016 - 30 Jan 2016
Loading: 04 - 05 Jan 2016; 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego, CA
Offloading: 2 Feb 2016; 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego, CA
Partiicpant Forms: NOAA Medical Forms - required for all cruise participants sailing Jan 05 2017
Ship: RV Reuben Lasker
Station plan: 113 Stations (104 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Dave Griffith, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Amy Hays, NMFS
  Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

Cruise Dates: Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 - Saturday, 23 Apr 2016 (Tentative)
Loading: Monday, 28 Mar 2016 - Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016 (Tentative)
Offloading: 23 Apr 2016 San Francisco, CA
Ship: NOAA RV Bell M Shimada
Cruise Instructions: NOAA Cruise Instructions PDF
Participant Forms: NOAA Medical Clearance Forms link: required for all scientists sailing on RV Shimada
Station plan: 104 Stations (95 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS); NOAA 1604SH Project Instructions will be posted here
Cruise Map:
Contacts: Amy Hays, Chief Scientist, NMFS
  Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)

Summary: CalCOFI 1607OS sailed from 10th Ave marine Terminal San Diego July 10 2016 at 0800PDT. The typical 75-station summer station pattern was scheduled. Due to high winds and rough seas, only 68 of the 75 stations were successfully occupied. Approx. 26 hours were lost due to weather and transit times were significantly impacted late in the cruise. Stations missed: 77.100, 77.70, 77.60, 77.55, 77.51, 77.49, SCCOOS 85.8 35.8.
Cruise Instructions: Instructions Web Page  | NOAA Cruise Instructions PDF
Load Dates: 08 - 09 Jul 2016 (Fri-Sat), 10th Ave Marine Terminal, 1839 Water Street, San Diego, CA 92101
Cruise Dates: 10 - 27 Jul 2016 (Sun - Wed)
Offload Date: 27 Jul 2016 (day-of-return; Wed) at 10th Ave Marine Terminal, San Diego CA
Ship: RV Ocean Starr
Station plan: 75 Standard (66 CalCOFI + 9 SCCOOS)
Cruise Map:  
75 Stations
Contacts: Amy Hays, Chief Scientist, SWFSC-NOAA
  Dave Wolgast, Technical Coordinator, IOD SIO-CalCOFI
  Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, IOD SIO-CalCOFI Volunteer Coordinator

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