  • Leg I : Departs San Diego on NOAA R/V David Starr Jordan 0800 24 Mar 2008. Returns to San Diego  9 Apr 2008.  Sixty-six standard and 9 SCCOOS stations are scheduled for Leg 1.
  • Leg 2 : Departs San Diego on NOAA R/V David Starr Jordan 0800 11 Apr 2008. Returns to San Diego  1 May 2008.  Trawling and CUFES surveying to Pt Conception then CUFES and station work northward to Line 60 (San Francisco).
  • Number of participants: Leg 1: 14 scientists, technicians & volunteers; Leg 2: 10 scientists, technicians
CTD Sensors Bottle Samples
  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Oxygen
  • Fluorescence
  • Transmissometer
  • PAR
  • NO3
  • Salinity
  • Oxygen
  • Nutrients: Leg 1 only
  • Chlorophyll-a, phaeopigments
  • Primary Productivity, Leg 1 only
  • HPLC, Leg 1 only
  • LTER ancillary sampling, Leg 1 only

Proposed station work:

  • 500m Seabird CTD/24 10L bottle rosette cast (depth permitting)
  • 100m Pairovet vertical net tow (coastal stations only - out to sta 70)
  • 210m Bongo net  tow - all stations
  • MANTA neuston net tow - all stations
  • CUFES - continuous underway fish egg system
  • Leg 1: PRPOOS vertical net tow - Lines 80, 90, coastal stas on lines 86.7, 83.3,
  • ADCP - Dr. Teresa K. Chereskin
  • Underway surface TSG - shipboard continuous integrated measurement system; continuous surface and meterological measurements
  • Leg 1: Daily primary productivity C14-uptake incubation experiments.
  • Leg 1: Bird & marine mammal observations and acoustic recording
  • Leg 1: Ancillary LTER water samples - size fractionations, slides
  • Leg 2: Mid-water Trawls
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., IOD; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , IOD; 
Dave Griffith (Chief Scientist), NMFS for additional information or request for  participation.
Please check the NOAA David Starr Jordan web site for EXACT cruise dates.






  • CalCOFI 00808NH14 - 30 Aug 2008SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego
  • Number of participants: 18 scientists, technicians & volunteers
CTD Sensors Bottle Samples
  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Oxygen
  • Fluorescence
  • Transmissometer
  • PAR
  • NO3
  • Salinity
  • Oxygen
  • Nutrients: Leg 1 only
  • Chlorophyll-a, phaeopigments
  • Primary Productivity, Leg 1 only
  • HPLC, Leg 1 only
  • LTER ancillary sampling, Leg 1 only










Proposed station work:

  • 500m Seabird CTD/24 10L bottle rosette cast (depth permitting)
  • 100m Pairovet vertical net tow (coastal stations only - out to sta 70)
  • 210m Bongo net  tow - all stations
  • MANTA neuston net tow - all stations
  • CUFES - continuous underway fish egg system
  • PRPOOS vertical net tow - Lines 80, 90, coastal stas on lines 86.7, 83.3,
  • ADCP - Dr. Teresa K. Chereskin
  • SCIMS - shipboard continuous integrated measurement system; continuous surface and meterological measurements
  • Daily primary productivity C14-uptake incubation experiments.
  • Bird & marine mammal observations and acoustic recording
  • Ancillary LTER water samples - size fractionations, slides

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., IOD; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , IOD; 
Dave Griffith (Chief Scientist), NMFS for additional information or request for  participation.

General Information

  • Departs San Diego on SIO R/V New Horizon 0800 14 Oct  2008.
  • Returns to San Diego  30 Oct 2008.  
  • Station plan: 66 standard CalCOFI and 9 SCCOOS stations are scheduled.
  • Number of participants: 14 scientists, technicians & volunteers.

CTD Sensors

  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Oxygen
  • Fluorescence
  • Transmissometer                   
  • PAR
  • NO3  

Bottle Samples

  • Salinity
  • Oxygen
  • Nutrients: NO3, NO2, PO4, Sil, NH3
  • Chlorophyll-a, phaeopigments
  • Primary Productivity
  • HPLC
  • DIC
  • LTER ancillary sampling

Proposed station work:

  • 500m Seabird CTD/24 10L bottle rosette cast (depth permitting)
  • 100m Pairovet vertical net tow (coastal stations only - out to sta 70)
  • 210m Bongo net  tow - all stations
  • MANTA neuston net tow - all stations
  • PRPOOS vertical net tow - Lines 80, 90, coastal stas on lines 86.7, 83.3
  • ADCP - Dr. Teresa K. Chereskin 
  • SCIMS - shipboard continuous integrated measurement system; continuous surface and meterological measurements
  • Daily primary productivity C14-uptake incubation experiments.
  • Bird & marine mammal observations and acoustic recording
  • Ancillary LTER water samples - size fractionations, slides


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chief Scientist), IOD
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , IOD
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. NMFS for additional information or request for  participation.
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