
Departs San Diego on SIO R/V New Horizon 0800 14 Aug 2008, returns 30 Aug 2008

CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0808NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 08/2018)
Download 0808NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0808NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4; fliers excluded) 0.0015 0.0005
Single sensors - note only one CTD O2 sensor        ml/L                                                uM/Kg
Oxygen (ml/L & uM/Kg; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0147x - 0.0269
R² = 0.9998
y = 1.0147x - 1.17
R² = 0.9998
Nitrate - Satlantic MBARI-ISUS (SN 111) y = 31.365x - 4.3094
R² = 0.9888
Seapoint Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 2.8655x - 0.0503

R² = 0.6624

y = -0.2902x2 + 3.1225x - 0.0717

R² = 0.6641

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
ISUS Nitrate Sensor vs Bottle Nitrate Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 00808NH14 - 30 Aug 2008SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0808NH on SIO RV New Horizon successfully occupied 69 of 75 scheduled stations. RV New Horizon sailed to from sta 90.45 to the Dana Point prodo station 90.28. After SCCOOS 90.0 27.7, we worked our way west back out to 90.37 before heading north to line 86.7. Due to a lack of shiptime six SCCOOS stations, 88.5 31.4, 86.8 32.5, 85.4 35.8, 83.3 39.4, 81.7 43.5, 80.0 50.5 were dropped.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#042206), and O2 sensor (#430680), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#1045), Conductivity (#722) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-479DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v2 (#111); remote PAR (#4544), no surface PAR was installed.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=ISUS; V3=open; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=Alt; V7-PAR)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V4 O2


We completed (all) 66 standard stations and only 3 of 9 SCCOOS stations before transiting home to offload in San Diego.

CalCOFI 0808NH CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

No deep CTD casts (>515m) were performed this cruise

Only one O2 sensor was deployed, no ISUS, no Surface PAR, no pH. These were purchased in mid-2009 and first deployed on CalCOFI 0907M2 when a new 911+ system was bought.
V2 Deck unit was also purchased at that time so this cruise was on V1 Deck Unit - requiring Align-CTD offset of secondary conductivity (0.073sec).

Scientific Report for SIO Weekly Log:

Briefly, hydrographic data indicates distinctly a strong California Current (CC) as indicated by surface temp (-1 to -1.8) and salinity (-0.1 to - 0.35) anomalies and the location is confirmed by 100m Temp. The CC is strongest 200 to 300 miles off the coast from Pt. Conception and San Diego respectively.  The flow is potentially divided into two bands or a filament jetting toward the coast outside the Channel Islands.  Zooplankton tows have been reported to be about average with higher than average amounts of phytoplankton (as determined by color and consistency) in the area of the California Current.  The Davidson counter current also appears anomalously strong with 10m Temp of +2 deg C common both within 20-40 miles of the coast of San Diego and between 100 and 160 miles off.  This warm water appears to be a lack of upwelling as seen by the prevalent -0.2 salinity anomalies at 10 meter and is seen over a wide area the Southern California Bight  I have personal knowledge of a strong migration of pelagic fishes in those areas this year.  Chlorophyll values very near shore off San Diego are 5-6 ug/liter and the highest seen so far including stations near L.A., Santa Barbara and Pt. Conception which were 2-3 ug/liter at the highest.

Original hdr file requiring correction - cast 061 was mislabeled Cruise NH0808 so was edited 0808.:

CalCOFI 0808NH CTD Cast & Data Processing Notes

Overall, the majority of issues with sensor data was with the ISUS Nitrate sensor. Powering the sensor requires connecting a
12v external battery pack. At this time, CalCOFI was using a battery pack for three casts (~3hrs) then replacing the pack with
a fresh pack. There were also some cabling issue that was resolved early in the cruise by replacing a faulty battery cable.

Casts with no ISUS data: 005U, 007UD, 009UD, 010UD, 011UD, 012UD, 013U, 016U, 024UD, 030UD, 034UD, 035U, 054U

Casts with partial ISUS profile data: 005D, 013D, 016D, 020UD, 024D, 035D, 054D

Dave Munro was conducting a productivity experiment which required additional seawater so extra surface or 10m bottles were closed on many casts this cruise.

Cast 001: bottle #9 mistripped, no sample
Cast 002: extra bottles tripped at surface to test carousel and mistrip #9 from last station
Cast 004: bottle #9 did not close again
Cast 005: trigger #9 replaced; ISUS stopped logging on downcast ~490m, no upcast ISUS data
Cast 009: no ISUS data, battery?
Cast 010: new battery but still no ISUS data - bad cable?
Casts 011-012: still no ISUS data, plugged in
Cast 013: new ISUS battery, work on downcast to 310m, nothing deeper or on upcast
Cast 014-015: ISUS worked down & upcast
Cast 016: ISUS worked on downcast to 230m
Casts 017-019: ISUS worked fine
Cast 019: salinity differs a bit on upcast from downcast
Cast 020: ISUS worked on downcast to 385m, & on upcast 222m-0m
Casts 021-023: ISUS worked fine
Cast 024: ISUS worked on downcast to 484m, no upcast data
Casts 025-029: ISUS worked okay
Cast 030: no ISUS data
Cast 031: do over, odd message "FFFFFFF unsupported modem message" in file acquisition box; first cast to ~280m then back to surface and restarted, resent to 515m without issue; ISUS worked fine
Casts 032-033: ISUS worked fine
Cast 034: Santa Monica Basin station; battery dead, no ISUS data
Cast 035: ISUS data on downcast to 75m
Cast 036: Rosette frame cracked post-cast (while on deck); ISUS okay
Casts 037-038: ISUS looks okay
Cast 038:  lanyard #21 broke, possible mistrip at 8m, 23 bottle prodo cast
Casts 039-040: ISUS okay; rough seas
Cast 041: salinity inversion noted; O2 lower at surface than 50m; ISUS okay
Casts 042-043: ISUS good, battery swapping working better
Cast 044: didn't start archiving, brought back to surface then data archiving started
Cast 045: ISUS Okay
Casts 046-047: bottle #10 mistripping, lowered bottle and shortened lanyard after cast 047
Cast 048: ISUS okay
Cast 049: CTD yo-yo'd @120m, went back to 140m for mkr
Cast 050: bottle #10 seems okay now
Cast 051-053: ISUS okay
Cast 054: Santa Barbara Basin station, ISUS on downcast to 543m, but lost the rest
Casts 055-064: ISUS okay, moderate-heavy seas
Cast 065: ISUS okay; big rolls, slow cast with some pauses on up & downcast for big swells
Cast 066-069: ISUS okay

Note: continual problems with powering the ISUS resulted in a new protocol. The ISUS battery was charged after every deep cast without removing it from the rosette. A long charging cable was rigged so it was not necessary to swap the heavy batteries. Occasional venting of charging gases were necessary by unplugging the battery case at least once a day.

JRW 08/28/2018


Week 1

Briefly, hydrographic data indicates distinctly a strong California Current (CC) as indicated by surface temp (-1 to -1.8) and salinity (-0.1 to - 0.35) anomalies and the location is confirmed by 100m Temp. The CC is strongest 200 to 300 miles off the coast from Pt. Conception and San Diego respectively.  The flow is potentially divided into two bands or a filament jetting toward the coast outside the Channel Islands.  Zooplankton tows have been reported to be about average with higher than average amounts of phytoplankton (as determined by color and consistency) in the area of the California Current.  The Davidson counter current also appears anomalously strong with 10m Temp of +2 deg C common both within 20-40 miles of the coast of San Diego and between 100 and 160 miles off.  This warm water appears to be a lack of upwelling as seen by the prevalent -0.2 salinity anomalies at 10 meter and is seen over a wide area the Southern California Bight  I have personal knowledge of a strong migration of pelagic fishes in those areas this year.  Chlorophyll values very near shore off San Diego are 5-6 ug/liter and the highest seen so far including stations near L.A., Santa Barbara and Pt. Conception which were 2-3 ug/liter at the highest.

However, bird and mammal sightings seem to be a noticeably lower, although species such as blue whales, porpoise, minke and sperm whales are present, sampling may be low just by the chance nature of observing them along our grid. The CalCOFI 0808 cruise has been marked by low species diversity considering the summer season. We have only encountered four dolphin species (including both forms of common dolphins), five whale species and two pinniped species.

Short-beaked common dolphins were distributed along every line with the exception of line 93. There was a single confirmed sighting of long-beaked common dolphins close to shore while transiting north from line 83 to line 80. This coincides with past trends where short-beaked common dolphins are more commonly found further from shore while long-beaked common dolphins are observed close to shore.  There were several common dolphin groups that could not be identified to the species level (13 total sightings estimating 591 individuals).  Five bottlenose dolphin sightings occurred between San Clemente and Santa Catalina Islands on line 90. There was one mixed group of bottlenose and common dolphins sighted at the beginning of line 87. Our last species, pacific white-sided was sighted on line 77, which is to be expected as they are a cold water species.

Fin Whales, the most abundant whale sighted, were observed throughout the trackline with the highest density being encountered along line 77. Blue whale sightings were focused along line 90 south of the San Clemente/Santa Catalina Islands. Minke sightings were clustered close to shore along the northern transit from line 90 to line 87. There was one sperm whale encounter while on station 93/120.  Finally, we encountered a Humpback whale hot spot while transiting between stations 77/55 to 77/51. 

California Sea Lions were scattered along all CalCOFI lines. There were three sightings of Northern Fur Seals all observed off the shelf on lines 87, 83, and 80.

Week 2

The CalCOFI 0808 Summer (16-30 August) cruise data indicates a strong California Current (CC) as demonstrated by surface temperature anomalies (-1 to -1.8) and salinity (-0.1 to - 0.35) anomalies with the location confirmed by 100m temperature contour map. The CC is strongest 200 to 300 miles off the coast from Pt. Conception and San Diego respectively.  Zooplankton tows have been reported to be about average with higher than average amounts of phytoplankton (as determined by color and consistency) in the area of the California Current.  The Davidson counter current also appears anomalously strong with 10m Temp of +2 deg C common both within 20-40 miles of the coast of San Diego and between 100 and 160 miles off.  This warm water appears to be a lack of upwelling as seen by the prevalent -0.2 salinity anomalies at 10 meter and is seen over a wide area the Southern California Bight.  Chlorophyll values very near shore off San Diego and Avila Beach are 5-6 ug/liter and the highest seen while stations near L.A., Santa Barbara and Pt. Conception were 2-3 ug/liter. 

We conducted acoustic monitoring of marine mammals during the survey towing a 6-element hydrophone array during transits and deployed expendable Navy sonobuoys near stations.  Acoustic monitoring was conducted primarily during daylight hours, concurrent with visual observation by two mammal observers and one bird observer

Bird and mammal sightings seem to be a noticeably lower, although species such as blue whales, porpoise, minke and sperm whales are present, sampling may be low just by the chance nature of observing them along our grid. The cruise has been marked by low species diversity considering the summer season. We have only encountered four dolphin species, five whale species and two pinniped species.

Fin Whales, the most abundant whale sighted, were observed throughout the trackline with the highest density being encountered along line 77. Blue whale sightings were focused along line 90, while Minke sightings were clustered off Palos Verdes.  Finally, Humpbacks were prevalent while transiting between stations approaching Avila Beach.  California Sea Lions were observed along all CalCOFI lines. There were three sightings of Northern Fur Seals all observed off the shelf on lines 87, 83, and 80.

Our thanks go out to Captain Murray Stein and crew for their efficient and expert piloting of the vessel and their pleasant demeanor displayed during the daily routine at sea.  The cooks, Ed Lagrasso and Mark Smith kept the ample scientific party well fed during our long journey, our stomachs go out to them.


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