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ERDDAP progress

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ERDDAP is installed and working on siocalcofi.ucsd.edu. The hydrographic database is being built using Bullzip Access to Postgresql utility. It is a very slow process compared to Bullzip's Access to MySQL utility. But since it is working, I am building a database with multiple tables instead of the standard web-version two tables - cast & bottle. I hope this will allow users to query the database more effectively.

The slowness of database building is due to the 844109 hydrographic records. Bullzip Access to Postgresql only seems to create two tables before the session times-out. It may be a siocalcofi.ucsd.edu server setting disconnecting. At least it works.

I have already created a database that duplicates the original hydrographic database. So I hope to have both online tomorrow provided, now that I am using postgresql instead of MySQL, my datasets.xml will work.

My original attempts to connect ERDDAP to MySQL using com.jdbc.mysql.Driver did not work. I considered mariadb as well but now that postgresql is up, running, and populating, I am hopeful ERDDAP will serve the datasets using org.postgresql.Driver as authored by LD.

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