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Derived datacode check-n-correct module in DECODR1410

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I've added a datacode checker for sta.csvs & t.csvs to DECODR's CSV tab. Give it a try and let me know how it works. It will backup the original files up to the bak subdir as usual.

What it does:
Changes the Sigma-theta datacode (StDC; col 61) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the Potential T datacode (PoTSDC; col 69) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the DynHt datacode (DyHDC; col 72) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the SVA datacode (SVADC; col 75) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)

Changes the OxSat datacode (OxSDC; col 65) to match Oxygen datacode (SDC; col 26)

Optional via checkbox
Change the Oxygen umole/Kg datacode (OxMDC; col 85) to match O2 datacode (ODC; col 26)

DECODR counts how many depth records it changes. If you want to know how many records are corrected for a particular station, run it on the individual station. If one bottle record has multiple code corrections, the tally will still be one. Not the total datacodes changes for that depth record.

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