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CalCOFI Data Files Symbolic Links

Posted by on in New Data Files
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The CalCOFI Hydrographic Database & Zooplankton Database are updated whenever new cruise data are finalized. The filenames for the downloadable database & daughter files contain the recent cruise name and date of the update. Since the filenames change often, download links to these files have to be updated in several locations & web pages. In order to minimize this effort & broken links, 'generic' symbolic links will be generated for new data files and their download links:

  • CalCOFI_Database_mdb.zip = latest version of the MS Access hydrographic database ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_mdb_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_csv.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database csv ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_csv_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_sql.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database sql dump ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_sql_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_xml.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database xml ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_xml_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Zoop.zip = latest version of the zooplankton displacement volume database ie 195101-201307_Zoop.zip



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