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Blog posts tagged in database

DECODR1304 Additions & Updates

Posted by on in DECODR
[ casts.csv>castdb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready cast-table importable csv. The cst_cnt should increment properly - it will use a database you select to set the beginning cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired start cst_cnt (for updates). Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable.

[ sta.csvs>bottledb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready bottle-table importable csv. The cst_cnt & btl_cnt should increment - it will use a database you select to set the beginning btl_cnt & cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired starting btl_cnt and/or cst_cnt (for updates). Please note that each text field is treated independently so you can enter a starting btl_cnt without a cst_cnt or vice-versa BUT the blank cnt will be set by the user-selected database.
Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable as well as 'shallow to deep' or 'deep to shallow' depth order.
Hits: 2065

CESL 12Mar2013

Posted by on in CESL
The CTDatDepth PST & UTC in the casts.csv was incorrect when generated by CESL's csv rebuilding module (regenerates the casts.csv & all the sta.csvs automatically). This module was developed to batch recreate all the csvs so new columns could be added to older cruises. Unfortunately, the ATDepth PST date & time was UTC and AtDepth UTC was UTC+8. CESL was fixed, new casts.csvs generated for 1104, 1108, 1110, 1202, 1203. The AtDepthDate_PST & AtDepthDate_UTC columns were cut & pasted into the working casts.csvs so point-checking data codes & quality codes would remain intact. New IEHs & Data Reports for all published cruises should be updated as well as database dates and times.
Hits: 1104


Posted by on in Data
Some major revisions to the casts.csv to cast database.csv module: added a report order option since this is the desired station order; order_occ was the default and is also still available via checkbox. Added a Castnum textbox - if this textbox has a Castnum (database Cast table primary ID), the module will not check or ask for the reference database that it typically would append ie add the next set of castnum values chronologically. This feature allows new final data to be imported, replacing old preliminary data records using an update query.
Will work on sta.csvs to bottle database table next after fixing the casts.csv AtDepthPST glitch in CESL.
Tagged in: casts.csv database
Hits: 4428

DECODR Database Building Module Ready

Posted by on in DECODR
Generating CalCOFI hydrographic database cast & bottle csvs required generating an IEH then CIFTing into two csvs. With the migration to casts.csv & sta.csvs, the ability to generate database-friendly cast & bottle csvs directly eliminates the need for the IEH intermediate step. This module is online and working - generating cast & bottle csvs with proper labeling for direct import into the hydrographic database. It is possible to make DECODR update the database directly, saving a few steps, but this seems 'dangerous' since you cannot undo a bad import.
Tagged in: database DECODR
Hits: 1072

DECODR DIC columns added; DIC stations csv module developed

Posted by on in DECODR
The sta.csvs, generated by CESL during sample drawing on the cruise, were 82-cols wide. DIC & TA values are now added to the sta.csvs in cols 80 & 81 with DIC bottle # in col 79, generating a new 84-col sta.csv format. This will integrate the DIC data with other bottle data and allow inclusion of those values into data products such as the hydrographic database or data reports.

Under the CSV tab, there is a module to generate a merged DIC stations csv with all cast depths and DIC bottle #'s for the point-checking database. The csv can be sent directly to Dickson's DIC analytical lab for data import/key-entry. Or imported into the point-checking database where the DIC Report query will generate forms for Dickson's analysts with the bottle data formatted.
Tagged in: database DECODR DIC
Hits: 1385
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