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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

New Master 1601 Database

Posted by on in New Data Files

As of today, a new Master database has been updated with the latest QC'd DIC data from Dicksons lab.  The zipped file should be dated 3/11/2016.

Hits: 1375

2014-02 and 2014-04 Complete PDF Reports available

Posted by on in New Data Files

Complete hydrographic data reports are now available on our website for cruises 2014-02 and 2014-04.  Reports include cruise data report, primary productivity data report, spartial pattern figures and the zooplankton volume report.

Hits: 1808

2014-2015 Publications now online

Posted by on in New Data Files

The list of 2014-2015 CalCOFI CIMEC publications and presentations are now available on our website at http://www.calcofi.com/ccpublications/recent-publications/publications-2014-2015.html

Hits: 1423

Database updated through 2014-07

Posted by on in New Data Files

Several updates have been made to the website:

  • Imported final data from 201404 and 201407 into bottle and cast tables.
  • Imported DIC data from 2014-04 and 2014-07 in the DIC csv
  • Imported zooplankton data from 2013-11 through 2014-04 in the zooplankton csv
  • Fixed 90.45 Prodo in 2010-08.  Had values from station 93.3 26.7 of that cruise.
Hits: 2745

1411 SOC now available

Posted by on in Data

The State of the Current map is now available for CalCOFI cruise 2014-11.  Map includes 0/500m Dynamic Height, 10m Temp, 10m Salinity and 10m Chlorophyll.  http://www.calcofi.com/data/SOC/pdf/1411_soc.pdf

Hits: 1788
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