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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

casts.csv new columns

Posted by on in Data
casts.csv contains pre & post calibration columns for tau & acid ratio for the fluorometer but chlorophyll data are calculated post-cruise using averages of the two values (pre & post cruise aves). Averages can be calculated 'on-the-fly' so it is not necessary to archive calculated averages. BUT it is prudent to archive the average tau & acid ratio to corroborate the numbers used in the final calculations. It also improves flexibility if a calculated average has to be adjusted for a particular station or run (rare).

So the casts.csv is now 63 columns - see guide - inserting average tau & acid ratio columns (51 & 52) next to post-cruise values. This shifts the former 51 - 61 over to 53 - 63. SIO-CalCOFI software has been adjusted to handle either casts.csv format. CESL, DECODR, PSal, & FLog will update either 61-col (pre-1301) or 63-col casts.csv, using "is col 53 O2" test as a criteria. DECODR modules effected are: mainly O2 processing, but also Prodo processing, Int 14C, & Int Chl which populate cols to the right.
Hits: 1780


Posted by on in Data
Quick fix in CSV to IEH module: header 1 'leg' was being padded with a leading space when already padded by leading zero. Quick check for two digits before padding with leading space fixed the glitch. Also verified Prodo light levels were going into casts.csv - they are. When the prodo processing module is run & update csv is checked, the sta.csvs & casts.csv are updated. Note that actual surface prodo tube incubation light level (~53%; from the prodo.cfg) goes into the casts.csv; the 'desired' surface light level (~92%; to get the bottle at 2m) is added to the sta.csv. The light screen on surface prodo tube prevent 'frying' the samples on sunny days.
Tagged in: DECODR prodo
Hits: 1480

DECODR fix - blank values reported as blank, not 0.0

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DECODR's data report module was reporting blank ammonia values as 0.0. The routine was fixed to report all blank values as blanks. This particular scenario - all the ammonia data >200m were flagged '9' (ignore) so interpolated standard level ammonia data below 200m were blank.

Surfer horizontal & vertical plot instruction web pages were edited.
Tagged in: DECODR interpolation
Hits: 1993

Surfer Plots Instructions

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DECODR will build a variety of horizontal and vertical plots from csvs automatically but understanding how to generate plots manually is useful. Before exporting to Illustrator, adjustments to the contours such as smoothing, line thickness, and contour interval can improve the plot and reduce hand editing. The Surfer Plots page describes how to customize the templates for both horizontal and vertical plots with new data. DECODR does most the work but knowing how it interacts with Surfer is worth documenting.
Tagged in: contours DECODR Surfer
Hits: 1133

DECODR vertical plot module 'fixed'

Posted by on in Data
Generating vertical plot csvs from sta.csvs was 'fine-tuned' to generate vertical section plots comparable to those generated by a data report. The main solution was to exclude data deeper than 525m - 3500m & basin casts data - from the vertical section plot csvs. Vertical plot csvs were also inverted (shallow to deep) and rounded (data match data report format). Both horizontal and vertical plot csvs generating routines check the data codes for good values.
Tagged in: DECODR vertical plots
Hits: 1121
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