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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

DECODR1304 fixes & new features

Posted by on in Data
Fixed - weather data entry bottom depth format issue when depth is less than 1000m

Derive Bottle Data will derive data into t.csvs

[CSV to IEH] module will report Sigma-theta and Oxy Pct in the wild columns if checkbox is checked and values are present in the sta.csvs

Fine-tuning of older vs newer file formats ie different casts.csv & sta.csvs column changes.
Hits: 913


Posted by on in Data
Some major revisions to the casts.csv to cast database.csv module: added a report order option since this is the desired station order; order_occ was the default and is also still available via checkbox. Added a Castnum textbox - if this textbox has a Castnum (database Cast table primary ID), the module will not check or ask for the reference database that it typically would append ie add the next set of castnum values chronologically. This feature allows new final data to be imported, replacing old preliminary data records using an update query.
Will work on sta.csvs to bottle database table next after fixing the casts.csv AtDepthPST glitch in CESL.
Tagged in: casts.csv database
Hits: 4428


Posted by on in Data
Worked on designing a station summary html page generating module. Combining information for casts.csv, sta.csv, CTD sensor ranges (span.csv), & event log, the new Sta Rpt module creates a separate summary page for each station. General station information, CTD cast info, seawater sampling, and station activities are tabulated. This will be used in conjunction with the station activities webpage created using NMFS station activities database. Providing more detailed information about station sampling and station activity sequence.

Prodo data going into the IEH and Prodo Report modules needed a column index fix. The addition of oxygen in um/kg moved the prodo columns over two so indexing had to be adjusted.
Tagged in: DECODR prodo web
Hits: 973

DECODR1302 22Feb2013

Posted by on in Data
Fixed some glitches introduced yesterday when modifying the update csv routines, mainly the update casts.csv. It was updating the casts.csv after every station instead of once at the end of the run, so a casts.csv bak file was attempted every sta. Moving the casts.csv updater outside the station loop was the simple fix.
Oxygen module: adjusted the data quality criteria for flagging disagreement with CTD oxygens.
0.00 - 0.04 = no stars
0.05 - 0.14 = *
0.15 - 0.24 = **
0.25+ = ***

Plus the total *'s/bottle are printed at the end of the .out data processing report. Hopefully, the comparisons to CTD oxygens plus flagging disagreements will help troubleshooting at sea and improve data quality.

Stopped using the Name function to rename bak files and implemented a simple read/write bak file routine in WriteNuCastCsv & WriteStaCsv, used to update the casts.csv & sta.csv, when checked.
Tagged in: CTD DECODR Oxygen
Hits: 1193

DECODR updates

Posted by on in Data
The Oxygen data processing output has additional columns: added CTD Ox0 ml/l, OxBtl-CTDOx0 ml/l, CTD Ox1 ml/l, OxBtl-CTDOx1 ml/l, OxBtl in um/kg - converted ml/l using Seabird's routine. If the bottle-ctd oxygen is greater than 0.45 it gets one star; if it is greater than 0.9 it gets two stars.
[µmole/Kg] = [ml/L] * 44660 / (sigma_theta(P,T,S) + 1000) (P = 0; T = draw T, S = Btl or CTD S1 or 2)

Chl - fixed a col error, now it puts the tau & F values in the right column. Still needs more work on pre & post-cruise + ave value entries.

Prodo - fixed the column update misalignment problem created by Ox um/kg additional columns; added scin data (counts & eff%) to sta.csv depths; improved the data processing coefficient-saving and use, when ave spec act &/or blank are entered on the form. It will remember your last run values and whether you checked the box to use ave values. The values are saved in ...\YYMM\YYMMprodcoef.txt file. If you want to use values added during the scintillation asc file import then uncheck the box.
Tagged in: chl DECODR Oxygen prodo
Hits: 1056
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