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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

DECODR Nutrient QC Additions

Posted by on in Data
20 - 30 Aug 2013 - new nutrient QC routines: when processing nutrients, the 'RMNS' & 'NH4 Check' concentrations are compared to standard values. The standard (or expected values) are preloaded from csv file YYMMnut.cof (default), or user-selected .cof file, or user-entered or edited into the form's fields.
The corrected concentration is calculated using the %difference between observed and expected concentrations. These values are tabulated in the .out file, replacing the unused 'peak height' columns. %differences are also tabulated at the bottom of the run output. If 'Apply correction' & 'Update sta.csvs' are checked, the sta.csvs nutrient values will be updated with corrected concentrations whenever the %correction is greater than the %criteria and MDL.
Backup files of the sta.csvs before the update are copied to the bak subdir.
Hits: 1751

DECODR August Notes

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Many tweaks and updates have been programmed into DECODR in the last few months.

20 March 2013 - Adding Sigma-theta and Oxygen saturation to the sta.csv-to-ieh export are optional - checkboxes. Also fixed C14B & dark columns for prodo data; indexed improperly so easy fix.
08 May 2013 - Oxygen data code set/reset to zero by default.
14 May 2013 - tweaked the sta.csv column routine to use 89 cols on cruise 1210 to present. Older cruises may have sta.csvs that are 82 or 84 cols since the sta.csv format has been evolving.
14 May 2013 - tweaked the derivation of certain parameters, such as OxSat, DynHt, sigma-theta, to use CTD data when bottle data are not available - an issue primarily with northern stations which may only have two salts (surface & terminal depths).
06 Aug 2013 - non-confirmations fixes implemented; nutrient updates were not working properly because of missing bottles from non-confirmations in CTD data processing.
12 Aug 2013 - dynamic height fixes implemented related to non-confirmation and data codes - some 0 values were calculated because of data code skips, dynht uses a depth array (next bottle) to calculate properly. Data code was creating a gap/skip so the routine checks for the 2nd next bottle now.
19 Aug 2013 - major update to the nutrient module - RMNS & Quality Cup csv tabulation files are created when processing nutrients. Expected nutrient concentrations for each nutrient type (ie standard values) are compared to RMNS and the % offset calculated.

Hits: 2288

DECODR1304 - new module, adds cols to csvs

Posted by on in Data
To reprocess CTD data with bottle oxygen in um/Kg, a DECODR utility for inserting additional columns into existing point-checked, annotated sta.csvs & casts.csv was created. The new DECODR module under the CSV tab - [Add um/kg cols to csvs] updates older cruises whose csvs are missing columns for DIC, Ttl_Alk, and um/kg columns (5: OxBumKg=bottle O2, Ox1umKg=CTD Ox1, Ox2umKg=CTD Ox2, OumDC=DataCode based on bottle OxB (ml/L) datacode, OumPI=Point-check code for future use.
Rerunning the O2 module with sta.csv update checked will populate the new columns. Since only observed data is used to correct CTD sensor data, the module uses & updates the non-standard level sta.csvs. Updating the station t.csvs standard levels with um/Kg may be added to [Derive Bottle Data] module later.

Other fixes - lots of reformatting done to sta & casts csvs so visual parsing of columns with a text editor is easier. Changed some column widths to match headers in both sta & casts csvs.

Tagged in: CTD DECODR Oxygen uM/kg
Hits: 1013

DECODR1304 new utility

Posted by on in Data
The sta.csv respacer module that reformats the column alignment for easy visual parsing of sta.csv will also work on the casts.csv. The module name was changed from [Sta.csv respacer] to [CSV respacer] and the tooltip mouseover description was updated to reflect the change.
Hits: 1380

DECODR prodo glitch fixed

Posted by on in Data
DECODR's legacy module to generate an IEH from sta.csvs was mis-formatting prodo dark samples when the value was greater than 1.0 - fixed.
Tagged in: DECODR prodo
Hits: 1134
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