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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

New DECODR - deals with µM/kg in ISLs & Data Reports

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I tinkered with the µM/kg routines so all the values, including ISLs, will be available. Right now, the µM/kg data codes are cloned from the ml/L oxygen data codes since I am converting ml/L to µM/kg. I am also using the CTD derived sigma-theta (bottle algorithm) to calculate the µM/kg CTD value ie it uses the cruise or station corrected CTD oxygen and sigma-theta to calculate the µM/kg. It does not use the µM/kg contained in the CTD.csvs.
Hits: 620

DECODR1309 Fixes, features & tweaks

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Fixed: Dynamic Height calculating erroneously for extra bottles, recind 6; fix = no value
Fixed: Cast database csv is missing secchi value - fixed.
Fixed: Integrated 14C col was empty - fixed
Fixed: Wind_Spd is missing from cast to database csv - fixed

New feature: DIC database csv module. Merges Cervantes DIC csv (export the tabular portion of the Excel file to csv) with sta.csvs bottle depths with matching DIC bottles.

Tweak: Made the Cast to database and Bottle to database modules create csvs in the same format as CIFT so the Access import specs will work for either.

Tagged in: DECODR
Hits: 1193


Posted by on in Data
1). "Select New Files" from a new subdir should be working for Nuts, Salts, Chls, O2s, & Prodos. Be aware that the .out file will be in that subdir.

2). NO3 correction is working now - a comparison if statement was ill-written.
3). RUN banner corrected in the nutrient out file
Hits: 996

DECODR1310 Nutrient Additions

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New features, modules, & bug fixes:
Nutrient QC - the output file to includes both uncorrected and corrected concentrations; if the difference between the corrected and uncorrected concentration is less than the minimum detection limit (MDL), no correction is applies; corrections (including 0 "non-corrections") are tabulated at the bottom of each run results. If the import corrected nutrients option is checked, the corrected nutrient concentrations will be imported into the station.csvs. Ammonia will use the 'NH4 Check' concentration value, not the RMNS or '99' NH4 concentration to correct the ammonia. This concentration is also tabulated at the bottom of each run to keep track of the correction, if any, that is applied.
Bug fix: module was expecting nutrient files to be in the nut subdir - now the module will allow nutrients to be in a subdir under the nut subdir and still find the other files (sta.csvs & casts.csv)
Tagged in: DECODR
Hits: 1227

DECODR WHP _hy1.csv Exporter

Posted by on in Data
Added a casts+sta.csv WHP export module to DECODR1309.exe under the CSV tab. This module will build WHP-formatted _hy1.csvs from SIO-CalCOFI casts.csv & sta.csvs. Will add nutrient data codes next - not currently present in the almost completed module. CTD WHP formatter is next.
Hits: 865
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