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Subcategories from this category: New Data Files

PSAL1404 Print Format Changes

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Added CTD salinity comparison to salt printout
New prn file format circa April 2014:
P O R T A S A L I O D - C A L C O F I
Expedition: CalCOFI 1404SH
Ship: R/V Ocean Starr
Portasal: 60-654 bath temp: 21.008 operator: JRW
std batch: SUB1 k-15: 0.99157 Standard: P155 = 0.99981 air temp: 18.9
Draw Date: 2014 Apr 11 18:08 Run Date: 2014 Apr 12 13:50

sta cs nis cr(1) cr(2) avg cr salt CTDS Diff box sbot time BathT cf
047 02 0000 0.99157 0.99157 0.99157 34.6690 000 'SUBS' 13:00:23 21.008 2
047 02 0001 0.98235 0.98234 0.98235 34.3073 34.3078 -0.0006 003 '0001' 13:04:02 21.008 2
047 02 0002 0.98043 0.98043 0.98043 34.2322 34.2324 -0.0002 003 '0002' 13:07:32 21.008 2
047 02 0003 0.97893 0.97893 0.97893 34.1735 34.1752 -0.0017 003 '0003' 13:09:58 21.008 2
047 02 0004 0.97793 0.97793 0.97793 34.1344 34.1357 -0.0013 003 '0004' 13:12:22 21.008 2
047 02 0005 0.97734 0.97734 0.97734 34.1113 34.1133 -0.0020 003 '0005' 13:14:47 21.008 2
047 02 0006 0.97655 0.97655 0.97655 34.0803 34.0812 -0.0009 003 '0006' 13:17:09 21.008 2
047 02 0007 0.97593 0.97593 0.97593 34.0561 34.0576 -0.0015 003 '0007' 13:19:17 21.008 2

Replacing the old format which had a lot of unused space:
P O R T A S A L I O D - C A L C O F I
Expedition: CalCOFI 1404SH
Ship: R/V Ocean Starr
Portasal: 60-654 bath temp: 21.009 operator: DMW
std batch: SUB1 k-15: 0.99157 Standard: P155 = 0.99981 air temp: 18.7
Draw Date: 2014 Apr 06 12:40 Run Date: 2014 Apr 07 07:25

sta cs nis cr(1) cr(2) avg cr salt box sbot time BathT cf
023 02 0000 0.99157 <1> 0.99157 <2> 0.99157 <2> 34.6690 000 'SUBS' 07:24:36 21.009 2
023 02 0001 0.98172 <1> 0.98172 <2> 0.98172 <2> 34.2828 003 '0001' 07:27:10 21.009 2
023 02 0002 0.98090 <1> 0.98091 <2> 0.98091 <2> 34.2509 003 '0002' 07:28:57 21.009 2
023 02 0003 0.98033 <1> 0.98034 <2> 0.98034 <2> 34.2285 003 '0003' 07:30:37 21.009 2
023 02 0004 0.97861 <1> 0.97862 <2> 0.97862 <2> 34.1612 003 '0004' 07:32:34 21.009 2
023 02 0005 0.97756 <1> 0.97755 <2> 0.97756 <2> 34.1197 003 '0005' 07:34:08 21.009 2...
Hits: 966


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Fixes - [CTD data to sta.csv] module adds both primary & secondary CTD data to all duplicate depths.
Hits: 2375

DECODR1401s NH4 zeroing

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Since there may be some usefulness in keeping the ability of auto-datacoding-4 non-zero, deep, offshore ammonia, it is now an option. Next to the NH4 parameters of the nutrient module there is a checkbox labeled "4". If checked, it will datacode 4 non-zero deep offshore ammonia on whichever stations (> 60) are selected - you can run an individual station or subset of stations with this option toggled.

It should be noted that this option only affects the sta.csvs when the update sta.csv box is selected. Also, if the 4 box is unchecked, it will change previously datacoded 4 ammonias back to datacode 0 (but only offshore, non-zero, deep ammonias). Let me know if this is not desired and I can make it keep whatever datacode is present.
Hits: 1025


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Fixes: calculates OxSatB using CTD salts if datacoded - useful for northern stations without all salts. Also eliminated odd ISL calculated salt at 1st ISL (~500m) if there are no salts to generate ISLs.
Hits: 799

DECODR1310 Feature, fixes, & tweaks

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Oxygens in umol/Kg: Derive umol/Kg routines improved in all related modules: Process Oxygens, CTD to CSV, Derive Bottle Data, Derive CTD Data. All umol/Kg oxygens are derived from ml/L using Seabirds algorithm:
oxyum! = (oxy * 44660) / (sigma + 1000)

Running the [Derive Bottle Data] & [Derive CTD Data] will work on t.csvs, preserving point-check datacodes. These routines will add umol/Kg values and other derived values in either the bottle or CTD cols. BE AWARE - if you derive/rederive t.csv file values and not sta.csvs file values, the files may be different so use cautiously.

umol/kg datacodes are the same as bottle oxygen ml/L datacodes since it is derived from that value.
Column labels in data products were updated to µmol/Kg & µM where appropriate, particularly in the Data Reports.

Tweaks to DICs: Reordered the DIC database csv so importing into the database does not require rearranging or adding columns. If DIC filename has a space, you will now be prompted to fix it. Most in-house applications do not like filenames with spaces.
Two DICS modules moved to Database tab - create DIC database csv & create Dickson csv. [Create Dickson csv] searches all the selected sta.csvs and creates a single csv with all the DIC bottle sample data to give to Dickson's lab. [Create DIC Database csv] will combine station csvs with Dickson/Cervantes DIC+TA csv for importing into the database.

Fixed: Extra bottle (recind 6) derived data removed or not calculated.
Fixed: bottle csv to database will include 0m depths
Tweak: cast csv to database calculates distance for all stations, including SCCOOS'

Tagged in: DECODR
Hits: 1015
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