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calcofi.com, data.calcofi.com moves to Inmotion Hosting

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06 Aug 2014 calcofi.com main web site went live on Inmotion Hosting. The Joomla 3.x site has been under development for nearly 9mos and with continual security concerns with Joomla 1.5. We finally switched both calcofi.com and new.data.calcofi.com over to Inmotion Hosting. We hope the issues of inaccessibility will be improved with our new host. While on Hostgator, calcofi.com was occasionally inaccessible. Inmotion Hosting will allocate a dedicated ip at our request to hopefully improve the reliability and accessibility.

The previous calcofi.com site will still be accessible at calcofi.net; data.calcofi.com at data.calcofi.net until our Hostgator contract expires in Feb 2015.

SIO-CalCOFI webmasters - presenting contributions from CalCOFI partners and affiliates.

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