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Cloudflare caching started on www.calcofi.com

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Since calcofi.com is fairly stable, Cloudflare, Hostgator's NDC cloud caching feature, was enabled. This feature improves the speed and uptime since it caches the website. We will see how it works for improving our page loads and site availability. It is a free Business site feature - thanks Hostgator.

Hits: 1342

17 Sep 2014

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Changes to calcofi.com or subdomains:

  1. Added an 'at-sea' blog category in EasyBlog to replace the atsea.calcofi.com Wordpress site. I will redirect the subdomain atsea.calcofi.com to the blog when there is some content.
  2. Signed up and installed the watchful.li component to calcofi.net & old.calcofi.com. We have a 30 day trial subscription before we have to pay $5/mo. Looks promising.
  3. Re-instated the subdomain redirections for dev.calcofi.com to the technical & developmental blog. For some reason all the redirects except web.calcofi.com >>> calcofi.com were gone.
Hits: 4087

calcofi.com returns to Hostgator

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After less than a month on Inmotion Hosting, we've decided to return to Hostgator. Hostgator's very occasional problems are no where near the issues seen at Inmotion this the last month. Some were just domain name propagation issues that cleared up after ~24hrs. Others were more serious:

Aug 22 2014 ~1622 the entire West Coast server system went down and calcofi.com/new.data.calcofi.com were completely offline for ~30+mins.

Sep 02 2014 just the calcofi.com server biz150 was having MySQL error problems. After this problem was fixed, calcofi.com was really sluggish. After contacting tech support, they said calcofi.com was causing a significant resource load and our site was in danger of being suspended. I followed some recommendation reported in GTmetrix web site report to improve web page loading time. I denied access of certain robots that were hammering the site with search requests.

But even after streamlining our home page, the performance was still subpar so I migrated calcofi.com Joomla 1.5 to web.calcofi.com. Using a recent Akeeba backup of the Inmotion calcofi.com, I restored it to Hostgator. It was online quickly. I moved the downloads, images, files, & publications subdirs into the proper spots along with subdomain subdirs: datasd, new.data.

Sept 05 2014 - I changed the Hostgator site back to calcofi.com and changed the Inmotion site to calcofi.net. Subdomain changed automatically.

... Continue reading
Hits: 1487

calcofi.com, data.calcofi.com moves to Inmotion Hosting

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06 Aug 2014 calcofi.com main web site went live on Inmotion Hosting. The Joomla 3.x site has been under development for nearly 9mos and with continual security concerns with Joomla 1.5. We finally switched both calcofi.com and new.data.calcofi.com over to Inmotion Hosting. We hope the issues of inaccessibility will be improved with our new host. While on Hostgator, calcofi.com was occasionally inaccessible. Inmotion Hosting will allocate a dedicated ip at our request to hopefully improve the reliability and accessibility.

The previous calcofi.com site will still be accessible at calcofi.net; data.calcofi.com at data.calcofi.net until our Hostgator contract expires in Feb 2015.

Hits: 1443

Hostgator php upgrading

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calcofi.com et al at Hostgator is upgrading to 5.x
Hits: 1559
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