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New ERDDAP server setup on siocalcofi.ucsd.edu

Posted by on in ERDDAP

After waiting for the late April release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server release so support will be refreshed for 5 years. It would not run on the CTDBlade siocalcofi.uscd.edu without issues. After struggling for a few weeks and even installing Debian (which works fine). I setup Ubuntu 14.04.01 64bit server on my old Windows i7 desktop which Angela had been using. Replacing the Windows 7 hard drive with a 1tb spare, Ubuntu 14.04.1 64bit server installed fine.

After manually installing Tomcat8 to get the recommended filepaths, ERDDAP installed easily (finally). Several management and dataserver-related packages were also installed: webmin, postgresql, mysql, php-5.5, Joomla 3 (mirror of calcofi.com).

siocalcofi.ucsd.edu mac address was switched from the CTDBlade ethernet address to (the former) caffeinated.ucsd.edu. siocalcofi.ucsd.edu is accessible online. Website at siocalcofi.ucsd.edu; ERDDAP at siocalcofi.ucsd.edu:8080/ERDDAP.


Hits: 1421

ERDDAP MySQL JDBC plugin installed

Posted by on in ERDDAP
Configuring ERDDAP to access our MySql hydrographic database requires installation of the java JDBC plugin. This was installed on sio-calcofi.ucsd.edu. Editing the web.xml file to connect to the hydrographic database (ccdb) is still needed.
Hits: 1875

ERDDAP 1.38 update installed

Posted by on in ERDDAP
ERDDAP recommended upgrade (1.38 Apr 2012) was installed on sio-calcofi.ucsd.edu.
Tagged in: ERDDAP
Hits: 1643
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