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SIO-CalCOFI webmasters - presenting contributions from CalCOFI partners and affiliates.


DECODR1410.exe 10Oct2014

Posted by on in Software

The extrapolation routine in DECODR was miscalculating the 200m dynamic height for CalCOFI 1311NH. The problem was the result of having dynamic height listed shallow to deep in the 1311_DHtD.csv file. Inverting the depths from shallow>deep to deep>shallow solved the problem. An inverter utility was added to DECODR's CSV tab; it reads in the YYMM_DHt?.csv and inverts the data for each cast, deep>shallow. The sta.csv>csv module which generates this file will be corrected to output deep>shallow so the next cruises will not need to be inverted.

Hits: 1100


Posted by on in CESL

CESL1410 will check the CalCOFI Line and Station number on the sample form when [Save] is selected. It uses the lat & lon to calculate the correct Line & Station and compares it to the values on the form. The user will be prompted to click 'Yes' to correct the error, 'No' to ignore the error, or 'Cancel' to abort the Save process and hand-enter or double-check value correctness.

Hits: 1499

1304-1307 Spatial Pattern Figures

Posted by on in Data

The complete set of Hydrographic Spatial Pattern Figures are available for the Spring and Summer cruises of 2013.

Hits: 1126

1311 Hydrographic and Primary Productivity Reports now available

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Hydrographic and Primary Productivity reports for the Fall 2013 cruise are now available on our new data website.

Hits: 1096

ERDDAP progress

Posted by on in Software

ERDDAP is installed and working on siocalcofi.ucsd.edu. The hydrographic database is being built using Bullzip Access to Postgresql utility. It is a very slow process compared to Bullzip's Access to MySQL utility. But since it is working, I am building a database with multiple tables instead of the standard web-version two tables - cast & bottle. I hope this will allow users to query the database more effectively.

The slowness of database building is due to the 844109 hydrographic records. Bullzip Access to Postgresql only seems to create two tables before the session times-out. It may be a siocalcofi.ucsd.edu server setting disconnecting. At least it works.

I have already created a database that duplicates the original hydrographic database. So I hope to have both online tomorrow provided, now that I am using postgresql instead of MySQL, my datasets.xml will work.

My original attempts to connect ERDDAP to MySQL using com.jdbc.mysql.Driver did not work. I considered mariadb as well but now that postgresql is up, running, and populating, I am hopeful ERDDAP will serve the datasets using org.postgresql.Driver as authored by LD.

Hits: 1044


Posted by on in Software

CESL v1410 checks the Line & Station number before saving using the Line & Station derived from the latitude and longitude. If either Line or Sta are incorrect, CESL will prompt the user to auto-correct the fields before saving the sample log & files. Selecting "Yes" will change the incorrect value and continue saving & printing; "Cancel" cancels the saving, allowing the user to edit the form before re-saving; selecting "No" continues the save process, ignoring the error.

Hits: 982

Cloudflare caching started on www.calcofi.com

Posted by on in Website

Since calcofi.com is fairly stable, Cloudflare, Hostgator's NDC cloud caching feature, was enabled. This feature improves the speed and uptime since it caches the website. We will see how it works for improving our page loads and site availability. It is a free Business site feature - thanks Hostgator.

Hits: 1345

1307-1407 Personnel Lists

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Personnel Lists from cruises 2013-07 through 2014-07 are now available on our data website.

Hits: 1165

Derived datacode check-n-correct module in DECODR1410

Posted by on in DECODR

I've added a datacode checker for sta.csvs & t.csvs to DECODR's CSV tab. Give it a try and let me know how it works. It will backup the original files up to the bak subdir as usual.

What it does:
Changes the Sigma-theta datacode (StDC; col 61) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the Potential T datacode (PoTSDC; col 69) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the DynHt datacode (DyHDC; col 72) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the SVA datacode (SVADC; col 75) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)

Changes the OxSat datacode (OxSDC; col 65) to match Oxygen datacode (SDC; col 26)

Optional via checkbox
Change the Oxygen umole/Kg datacode (OxMDC; col 85) to match O2 datacode (ODC; col 26)

DECODR counts how many depth records it changes. If you want to know how many records are corrected for a particular station, run it on the individual station. If one bottle record has multiple code corrections, the tally will still be one. Not the total datacodes changes for that depth record.

Hits: 1016

1304 Final Complete Data Report PDF

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Spring 2013 Final Complete Data Report is now available on line.  This report includes the introduction, final Hydrographic Report, final Primary Productivity Report, Zooplankton Report and the Spatial Pattern Figures for our extended pattern.

Hits: 1015

1301 Final Complete Data Report PDF

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Winter 2013 Final Complete Data Report is now available on line.  This report includes the introduction, final Hydrographic Report, final Primary Productivity Report, Zooplankton Report and the Spatial Pattern Figures for our extended pattern.

Hits: 1127

Winter and Spring 2013 Introductions Online

Posted by on in New Data Files

The introductions for the 2013 winter and spring cruises are now available on our new data website.

Hits: 1061

2012 Introductions Online

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Introductions to the CalCOFI Data reports for all of 2012 are now online as individual files that can be found on the new data website.

Hits: 1107

17 Sep 2014

Posted by on in Website

Changes to calcofi.com or subdomains:

  1. Added an 'at-sea' blog category in EasyBlog to replace the atsea.calcofi.com Wordpress site. I will redirect the subdomain atsea.calcofi.com to the blog when there is some content.
  2. Signed up and installed the watchful.li component to calcofi.net & old.calcofi.com. We have a 30 day trial subscription before we have to pay $5/mo. Looks promising.
  3. Re-instated the subdomain redirections for dev.calcofi.com to the technical & developmental blog. For some reason all the redirects except web.calcofi.com >>> calcofi.com were gone.
Hits: 4088

CalCOFI 1407NH State of the Current Spatial Pattern Figures

Posted by on in New Data Files

The 4-Figure compilation of preliminary spatial pattern figures from the 2014-07NH cruise is now available.  This includes 0/500m Dynamic Height, 10m Salinity, 10m Temperature and 10m Chlorophyll.

Hits: 1131

CalCOFI Data Files Symbolic Links

Posted by on in New Data Files

The CalCOFI Hydrographic Database & Zooplankton Database are updated whenever new cruise data are finalized. The filenames for the downloadable database & daughter files contain the recent cruise name and date of the update. Since the filenames change often, download links to these files have to be updated in several locations & web pages. In order to minimize this effort & broken links, 'generic' symbolic links will be generated for new data files and their download links:

  • CalCOFI_Database_mdb.zip = latest version of the MS Access hydrographic database ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_mdb_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_csv.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database csv ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_csv_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_sql.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database sql dump ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_sql_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_xml.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database xml ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_xml_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Zoop.zip = latest version of the zooplankton displacement volume database ie 195101-201307_Zoop.zip



Hits: 1060


Posted by on in New Data Files

Symbolic link created for CalCOFI DIC data file (CalCOFI_DICs.zip) = CalCOFI_DICs_200901-201307_12Sept2014.zip. This symbolic link will be updated when a new data file is created. Web page links will be the generic symbolic link URL:


Hits: 1156

calcofi.com returns to Hostgator

Posted by on in Website

After less than a month on Inmotion Hosting, we've decided to return to Hostgator. Hostgator's very occasional problems are no where near the issues seen at Inmotion this the last month. Some were just domain name propagation issues that cleared up after ~24hrs. Others were more serious:

Aug 22 2014 ~1622 the entire West Coast server system went down and calcofi.com/new.data.calcofi.com were completely offline for ~30+mins.

Sep 02 2014 just the calcofi.com server biz150 was having MySQL error problems. After this problem was fixed, calcofi.com was really sluggish. After contacting tech support, they said calcofi.com was causing a significant resource load and our site was in danger of being suspended. I followed some recommendation reported in GTmetrix web site report to improve web page loading time. I denied access of certain robots that were hammering the site with search requests.

But even after streamlining our home page, the performance was still subpar so I migrated calcofi.com Joomla 1.5 to web.calcofi.com. Using a recent Akeeba backup of the Inmotion calcofi.com, I restored it to Hostgator. It was online quickly. I moved the downloads, images, files, & publications subdirs into the proper spots along with subdomain subdirs: datasd, new.data.

Sept 05 2014 - I changed the Hostgator site back to calcofi.com and changed the Inmotion site to calcofi.net. Subdomain changed automatically.

... Continue reading
Hits: 1488

SEapt v0.6

Posted by on in SEaPT

Selective column editor is not saving the columns properly - fixed. Both All Column and Selective Column sta.csv editing is working properly in SEaptv06.exe.

Hits: 1485

DECODR v1409

Posted by on in Software

DECODR's database csv creator was not including stations north of line 77 (CalCOFI 1304). A looping correction was made and DECODR1409 will work properly.

Hits: 4657

SEapt v0.5

Posted by on in SEaPT

1). added csv filters under the file selection box in the Column Selector form. This allows the user to toggle between sta.csv, sta.tcsv or all csv files without going back to the Main Menu.
2). When changing the drive and navigating to a new dir, the file list will change.
3). In either All Columns or Selected Column editors, clicking on the first cell will highlight the entire row.

Hits: 1394

New ERDDAP server setup on siocalcofi.ucsd.edu

Posted by on in ERDDAP

After waiting for the late April release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server release so support will be refreshed for 5 years. It would not run on the CTDBlade siocalcofi.uscd.edu without issues. After struggling for a few weeks and even installing Debian (which works fine). I setup Ubuntu 14.04.01 64bit server on my old Windows i7 desktop which Angela had been using. Replacing the Windows 7 hard drive with a 1tb spare, Ubuntu 14.04.1 64bit server installed fine.

After manually installing Tomcat8 to get the recommended filepaths, ERDDAP installed easily (finally). Several management and dataserver-related packages were also installed: webmin, postgresql, mysql, php-5.5, Joomla 3 (mirror of calcofi.com).

siocalcofi.ucsd.edu mac address was switched from the CTDBlade ethernet address to (the former) caffeinated.ucsd.edu. siocalcofi.ucsd.edu is accessible online. Website at siocalcofi.ucsd.edu; ERDDAP at siocalcofi.ucsd.edu:8080/ERDDAP.


Hits: 1421

CELogGPS v1407 Displays MET TSG-T & S

Posted by on in Software

At the request of Fisheries CUFES personnel, CalCOFI Cruise Event Log, CELogGPS, now displays and saves MET TSG temperature and salinity. On RV New Horizon, CELogGPS uses the MET string for GPS date/time lat-lon. Since it is already parsing the MET string, two additional fields are now displayed on-screen. A check-box option to save these values automatically to the events comments field is also available. Primary purpose of displaying these values is for manual key-entry transcription into the CUFES database.

Hits: 989

calcofi.com, data.calcofi.com moves to Inmotion Hosting

Posted by on in Website

06 Aug 2014 calcofi.com main web site went live on Inmotion Hosting. The Joomla 3.x site has been under development for nearly 9mos and with continual security concerns with Joomla 1.5. We finally switched both calcofi.com and new.data.calcofi.com over to Inmotion Hosting. We hope the issues of inaccessibility will be improved with our new host. While on Hostgator, calcofi.com was occasionally inaccessible. Inmotion Hosting will allocate a dedicated ip at our request to hopefully improve the reliability and accessibility.

The previous calcofi.com site will still be accessible at calcofi.net; data.calcofi.com at data.calcofi.net until our Hostgator contract expires in Feb 2015.

Hits: 1444

seaserv2 is back online

Posted by on in Hardware

Seaserv2 raid1 has rebuilt and no data were lost. The updated sea-going data server is now 3tb instead of 2tb. Both 3tb drives will have to fail for there to be a complete loss of data. Continued syncing with seaserv3 will hopefully prevent any serious loss of work or data.

Hits: 1351

DECODR MDL & Decimal Accuracy

Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR importing of Nutrient data from QuAAtro files follow the decimal accuracy of the reports. Since nitrate can be detected but if below 0.05 reported as 0.0. The module was changed to store nitrate in the sta.csvs as 0.00 to improve pointing checking. A bug in the MDL routine was fixed, correcting the test for agreement with minimum detection limits and flagging the datacode accordingly.

New Nutrient Data Codes (NDC; column 32 in sta.csvs): "P", "S", "O", "T" will zero PO4, Sil, NO2, NO3 respectively. Other numeric datacodes (0, 4, 9) still apply. These datacodes only affect the data products such as IEH, Data Reports, & database csv.

Nutrient formatting in sta.csvs:

HoldNO2$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 21)), "0.000")
HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.0") >>>HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.00")
HoldPO4$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 22)), "0.00")
HoldSil$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 23)), "0.00")
HoldNH3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 24)), "0.00")
HoldNP$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 26)), "0.00")


Hits: 1217

seaserv2.ucsd.edu crashed

Posted by on in Hardware

One hard drive of seaserv2 crashed today so new hard drives were ordered. Upgrading the raid 1 system to 3tb (2-3tb Western Digital 7200rpm enterprise grade). The 2tb WD Nas Red drive ordered in Mar 2014 crashed already.

Synced all recent files from 1407NH to seaserv3 and the SIO-CalCOFI Technical Group will work there until seaserv2 is back online.

Hits: 1550

SEaPT v0.4

Posted by on in SEaPT
New version of the sta editor v.0.4 is available on Q:\DECODR.
New features: the first dialog box has ".csv" &/or "t.csv" checkboxes, you can select one, both, or none. If you select none, all the files in the directory will appear. The other options are simply one or both types of csvs will display in the file selection window.
Also there is a "Main Menu" button so you can restart - choose a different cruise or drive - without having to exit.
Tagged in: SEaPT Software
Hits: 1491

DECODR Development

Posted by on in Software
Hits: 1258

Congratulations! You have successfully installed EasyBlog!

Posted by on in Uncategorized

Thank you for making the right decision to start blogging in your Joomla! website.

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