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DECODR1312 Prodo

Posted by on in DECODR
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I tweaked DECODR1312 a bit to handle some extraneous lines in the prd files & scin.csv. It worked fine using the 'box' values for 14C and blank (10.239 & 100), generating both an out file and updated sta.csvs. Be sure you check all the necessary boxes and use 1311scinR1.csv.

Changes to DECODR -
*added Nutrient feature: option to use RMNS or NH4 Check standard value for NH4.
*85 processing numbers hardwired into the Process form ie automatic file selection form where station files are pre-checked.
*Prodo routine tweaked to handle blank lines in prd### & YYMMscin.csv files.
*The latest DECODR1312 should calculate DynHt in either CTD to CSV module or the Derive Bottle Data module.

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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd