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DECODR1310 Feature, fixes, & tweaks

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Oxygens in umol/Kg: Derive umol/Kg routines improved in all related modules: Process Oxygens, CTD to CSV, Derive Bottle Data, Derive CTD Data. All umol/Kg oxygens are derived from ml/L using Seabirds algorithm:
oxyum! = (oxy * 44660) / (sigma + 1000)

Running the [Derive Bottle Data] & [Derive CTD Data] will work on t.csvs, preserving point-check datacodes. These routines will add umol/Kg values and other derived values in either the bottle or CTD cols. BE AWARE - if you derive/rederive t.csv file values and not sta.csvs file values, the files may be different so use cautiously.

umol/kg datacodes are the same as bottle oxygen ml/L datacodes since it is derived from that value.
Column labels in data products were updated to µmol/Kg & µM where appropriate, particularly in the Data Reports.

Tweaks to DICs: Reordered the DIC database csv so importing into the database does not require rearranging or adding columns. If DIC filename has a space, you will now be prompted to fix it. Most in-house applications do not like filenames with spaces.
Two DICS modules moved to Database tab - create DIC database csv & create Dickson csv. [Create Dickson csv] searches all the selected sta.csvs and creates a single csv with all the DIC bottle sample data to give to Dickson's lab. [Create DIC Database csv] will combine station csvs with Dickson/Cervantes DIC+TA csv for importing into the database.

Fixed: Extra bottle (recind 6) derived data removed or not calculated.
Fixed: bottle csv to database will include 0m depths
Tweak: cast csv to database calculates distance for all stations, including SCCOOS'

Tagged in: DECODR

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