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CESL (CalCOFI Electronic Sample Log) is a Windows program for logging seawater samples taken from CalCOFI CTD-rosette casts. Using the Seabird-generated .mrk file, a sample log base file with GPS date time lat lon, from the CELogGPS CTDAtDepth event. The base sample log is automatically created by the CTDBackup program. A sample log may also be created and edited manually if these other programs are not installed. Once the electronic sample log is filled, a printed copy and digital version are created along with files for salt, O2, & chl analyses.



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CESL1607 will generate a separate PDA csv data file if the PDA column is annotated then saved. A PDA summary csv may also be generated from the slog.csvs (CESL saved sample logs) after the cruise using DECODR1608 (or later) PDA to csv module - see DECODR1608 technical blog entry.

Hits: 1084

CESL pH vs DIC Station Samples

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8 CalCOFI stations have 0 & 30m pH samples. On previous samples logs, these samples were labeled 'DIC' although they were drawn for pH analysis. CESL1411 resolves these pH stations, commenting the samples "PH". Although the sample bottles numbers are logged in the same column as DIC bottles (col 12), the comments field will contain "PH" or "PHx2". PH samples are drawn in the same way as DIC samples - same flask type, same draw technique. PH & DIC samples are collected and stored in the same seagoing bins so only the bottle number distinguishes the samples.

pH 0 & 30m Stations: 93.3 28.0, 90.0 120.0, 90.0 45.0, 90.0 37.0 , 90.0 28.0, 86.7 33.0, 83.3 42.0, 83.3 40.6

Hits: 1454


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CESL1410 will check the CalCOFI Line and Station number on the sample form when [Save] is selected. It uses the lat & lon to calculate the correct Line & Station and compares it to the values on the form. The user will be prompted to click 'Yes' to correct the error, 'No' to ignore the error, or 'Cancel' to abort the Save process and hand-enter or double-check value correctness.

Hits: 1498

CESL Fix: NH4 changed back to NH3

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Wanting to be consistent with column labeling that matched the nutrient data files, CESL was outputting NH4. This causes a problem with GTool so the easiest fix is to have CESL output NH3 again. Done...
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Hits: 1391

CESL DIC sample depth highlighting

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CESL1404 now highlights all the DIC additional sample depths on the sample form.
Hits: 1377
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