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CESL (CalCOFI Electronic Sample Log) is a Windows program for logging seawater samples taken from CalCOFI CTD-rosette casts. Using the Seabird-generated .mrk file, a sample log base file with GPS date time lat lon, from the CELogGPS CTDAtDepth event. The base sample log is automatically created by the CTDBackup program. A sample log may also be created and edited manually if these other programs are not installed. Once the electronic sample log is filled, a printed copy and digital version are created along with files for salt, O2, & chl analyses.


CESL Update

Posted by on in CESL
I changed CESL to make Mistrips recind 5 - there was a note in the code I wrote in 1212 that said it was changed because of terple issues. I think I have terple working on all recind except 9 right now but we should verify that.
Regarding ODC - are there CTD O2s to use in the station csv? If the CTD O2 data are missing, then the ODC will not be set to 1 or 2. So you may need to populate the CTD data fields for the update csvs datacoding to work properly. I will make the ODC blank when recind is 6 and ODC = 1 when recind is 5 but Ox1 has to have a value.
Hits: 1199

CESL1304 updates

Posted by on in CESL
Fixes - fixed some column alignment (esthetics) issues in casts.csv & sta.csvs.
Added an update-reinitialize feature when editing the cfg - if a new cruise is entered into the cruise field, it will prompt you to update all related fields and reset the station & vial counts to 1.
Tagged in: CESL cfg
Hits: 1159

CESL 12Mar2013

Posted by on in CESL
The CTDatDepth PST & UTC in the casts.csv was incorrect when generated by CESL's csv rebuilding module (regenerates the casts.csv & all the sta.csvs automatically). This module was developed to batch recreate all the csvs so new columns could be added to older cruises. Unfortunately, the ATDepth PST date & time was UTC and AtDepth UTC was UTC+8. CESL was fixed, new casts.csvs generated for 1104, 1108, 1110, 1202, 1203. The AtDepthDate_PST & AtDepthDate_UTC columns were cut & pasted into the working casts.csvs so point-checking data codes & quality codes would remain intact. New IEHs & Data Reports for all published cruises should be updated as well as database dates and times.
Hits: 1104

CESL update to 89 col format

Posted by on in CESL
CESL1301.exe will generate sta.csvs with columns to accommodate oxygens in umoles/kg from bottles, primary & secondary CTD oxygen sensors. These columns will be updated by DECODR.
Tagged in: CESL
Hits: 1180

CESL Updates

Posted by on in CESL
CESL DIC station sample highlight was tweaked: sta 80.55 should highlight all depths including the requested 15m mooring calibration bottle; sta 80.80 41m bottle added. Improvements of this feature (DIC depth highlighting) should make the program work better. Also CESL help (F1) is working, describing most aspects of the program.
Hits: 872
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