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DECODR Nutrient QC Additions

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20 - 30 Aug 2013 - new nutrient QC routines: when processing nutrients, the 'RMNS' & 'NH4 Check' concentrations are compared to standard values. The standard (or expected values) are preloaded from csv file YYMMnut.cof (default), or user-selected .cof file, or user-entered or edited into the form's fields.
The corrected concentration is calculated using the %difference between observed and expected concentrations. These values are tabulated in the .out file, replacing the unused 'peak height' columns. %differences are also tabulated at the bottom of the run output. If 'Apply correction' & 'Update sta.csvs' are checked, the sta.csvs nutrient values will be updated with corrected concentrations whenever the %correction is greater than the %criteria and MDL.
Backup files of the sta.csvs before the update are copied to the bak subdir.

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