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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.


DECODR Database Building Module Ready

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Generating CalCOFI hydrographic database cast & bottle csvs required generating an IEH then CIFTing into two csvs. With the migration to casts.csv & sta.csvs, the ability to generate database-friendly cast & bottle csvs directly eliminates the need for the IEH intermediate step. This module is online and working - generating cast & bottle csvs with proper labeling for direct import into the hydrographic database. It is possible to make DECODR update the database directly, saving a few steps, but this seems 'dangerous' since you cannot undo a bad import.
Tagged in: database DECODR
Hits: 1072

DECODR DIC columns added; DIC stations csv module developed

Posted by on in DECODR
The sta.csvs, generated by CESL during sample drawing on the cruise, were 82-cols wide. DIC & TA values are now added to the sta.csvs in cols 80 & 81 with DIC bottle # in col 79, generating a new 84-col sta.csv format. This will integrate the DIC data with other bottle data and allow inclusion of those values into data products such as the hydrographic database or data reports.

Under the CSV tab, there is a module to generate a merged DIC stations csv with all cast depths and DIC bottle #'s for the point-checking database. The csv can be sent directly to Dickson's DIC analytical lab for data import/key-entry. Or imported into the point-checking database where the DIC Report query will generate forms for Dickson's analysts with the bottle data formatted.
Tagged in: database DECODR DIC
Hits: 1385

DECODR CTD derived values changed to bottle algorithms

Posted by on in DECODR
CTD-derived data, such as sigma-theta, oxsat, dyn height, are available using Seabird's data processing suite. But to get comparable-compatible data to replace bad bottle-derived data, it is necessary to use the bottle algorithms on CTD values. DECODR now uses the same routines for both bottle & CTD data when populating the sta.csvs with derived data. This allows us to use CTD-derived data to QC the bottle-derived data & replace bad values with CTD values. This change is only is the sta.csvs and has not been implemented in the BltVsCTD CTD+bottle csvs yet. The CTD 1m binavg derived-data are calculated using the Seabird algorithms so will differ from the bottle-derived data.
Hits: 1248
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