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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.



Posted by on in DECODR
Fixed: there was a problem when adding CTD data & dynamic heights to non-terpled sta.csvs. If there were duplicate surface bottles shallower than the main surface bottle, they were dropped when calculating dynamic height without terpling. The solution was to introduce a 0m depth into the array that holds sta.csv as the top bottle. The 0m depth is not saved unless the standard level option is selected.

It is also important to remember to recind '6' or '9' extra bottles otherwise DECODR will drop duplicate depths - the last one with recind 3 will be used. This is not a  flaw so no workaround is in place.  Duplicate bottles will be dropped if duplicates are not flagged accordingly (6 or 9).
Tagged in: DECODR
Hits: 3224

DECODR's sta.csv to plot.csv module modified

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Vertical section plot.csvs were generated in order occupied (001-075). This update changes the plot.csv data to go from nearshore to offshore ie data report order so vertical plot csvs start nearshore. This update also inverts the depths to match the legacy version - shallow to deep vs sta.csvs deep to shallow.

DECODR1210.exe 2 Oct 2012 18:15
Tagged in: DECODR format
Hits: 986

DECODR1210 Update

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Integrated the Fisheries' zooplankton and sta activities database table formatting modules from CIFT into DECODR. Under the Database tab - a new module that will ingest the exported zooplankton displacement volume table from the Fisheries database, formatting it for importing into our hydrographic database. A second module ingests the exported station activities table to use online for tabulating station activities. Used in conjunction with the event log.
Hits: 1006

DECODR Update & Bug Fixes

Posted by on in DECODR
This weeks DECODR updates:

  • added two cols to the sta.csv format for DIC & TA, changing the format from 82 to 84 cols. DECODR can handle both versions of the sta.csv, using TO_DO in either col 82 or 84 to distinguish the two formats. Fixed a glitch that added two commas to the end of the 82 col sta.csv - 82 or 84 test failed initially in the respacer reformat routine.

  • fine-tuned some glitches with interpolated standard level bottle data calculations ie missing data on OSLs

  • fine-tuned NH4 datacoded "4"

  • fine-tuned 14C assimilation prodo precision & column alignment for values < 1 in ieh data product

  • fixed the data report txt to html header - it was cutting off the sta decimal value (49. instead of 49.0)

  • wrote a new module that combines sta.csvs with DIC bottles for importing into Access and generating DIC Data Reports

  • fixed the 200/500 dynamic height extrapolation module so values on shallow station would calculate properly. Solution was inverting the format from deep to shallow to shallow to deep (sta.csv vs ieh format difference).

Tagged in: DECODR DIC format
Hits: 2355

DECODR interpolation routine changed significantly

Posted by on in DECODR
In order to use the datacodes to control which values are used in an interpolation, the 'terple' routine was switched from row-oriented to col-oriented. Instead of starting at surface and going to terminal depth, the routine starts with a particular datatype, say salts, then interpolates standard depth values for that column. Using the data codes as criteria on which salt values to use. This is a significant change from the legacy terple routine which was changed from quadratic interpolation to linear interpolation and now col-oriented vs row-oriented.
Hits: 1236
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