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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.



Posted by on in DECODR
I finally got around to adding that NH4 tabulation file to DECODR. I could not figure out a way to do it independent of the "update sta.csvs" option. So DECODR1312a will generate a tabulation file of NH4 values 'offshore & 200m or greater' or negative that are datacoded 4 or zeroed. Run the nutrient data processing routine, select update sta.csvs and it will generate a 1311NH4DC4.csv in the Nut dir.
If the '0 -' (zero negative values) box is checked, it will tabulate those as well but they will be datacoded '0'.
Be aware that this file will not be overwritten if already present. It will be appended so if you want to regenerate a fresh version, you will have to manually delete the 1311NH4DC4.csv.
Hits: 1398

DECODR1312 Updates

Posted by on in DECODR
Fixes & new features: missing dynamic height calculations have been addressed; ISL bottle density are no longer duplicates of CTD1 - uses terpled bottle salt value instead of CTD salt 1; NH4 negative value reporting is an option, as well as positive values offshore & below 200m. Both negative NH4 and deep-offshore positive NH4 values will have datacode 4 regardless. ISL NH4 adjacent to datacode 4 NH4s will also be zeroed.

Fixed the duplicate bottle dynamic height calculation.
Hits: 918

DECODR1312 Prodo

Posted by on in DECODR
I tweaked DECODR1312 a bit to handle some extraneous lines in the prd files & scin.csv. It worked fine using the 'box' values for 14C and blank (10.239 & 100), generating both an out file and updated sta.csvs. Be sure you check all the necessary boxes and use 1311scinR1.csv.

Changes to DECODR -
*added Nutrient feature: option to use RMNS or NH4 Check standard value for NH4.
*85 processing numbers hardwired into the Process form ie automatic file selection form where station files are pre-checked.
*Prodo routine tweaked to handle blank lines in prd### & YYMMscin.csv files.
*The latest DECODR1312 should calculate DynHt in either CTD to CSV module or the Derive Bottle Data module.
Hits: 922

DECODR1304 Additions & Updates

Posted by on in DECODR
[ casts.csv>castdb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready cast-table importable csv. The cst_cnt should increment properly - it will use a database you select to set the beginning cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired start cst_cnt (for updates). Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable.

[ sta.csvs>bottledb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready bottle-table importable csv. The cst_cnt & btl_cnt should increment - it will use a database you select to set the beginning btl_cnt & cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired starting btl_cnt and/or cst_cnt (for updates). Please note that each text field is treated independently so you can enter a starting btl_cnt without a cst_cnt or vice-versa BUT the blank cnt will be set by the user-selected database.
Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable as well as 'shallow to deep' or 'deep to shallow' depth order.
Hits: 2065

DECODR Database module update

Posted by on in DECODR
Tweaked the latest DECODR Database module (Database tab) - users need to run the [db Connection] 1st to get the bottle and cast counts when using casts.csv or sta.csvs to create a database-friendly import file. DECODR was hardwired to a specific database file. Now it prompts users to select the database to use - click [db Connection], select the database (Q:\database is the default path), exit the form, then run the [Sta.csvs > db csv] or [Casts.csv > db] csv modules to generate properly indexed bottle & cast csvs to import.
Tagged in: DECODR
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