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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.


Derived datacode check-n-correct module in DECODR1410

Posted by on in DECODR

I've added a datacode checker for sta.csvs & t.csvs to DECODR's CSV tab. Give it a try and let me know how it works. It will backup the original files up to the bak subdir as usual.

What it does:
Changes the Sigma-theta datacode (StDC; col 61) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the Potential T datacode (PoTSDC; col 69) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the DynHt datacode (DyHDC; col 72) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)
Changes the SVA datacode (SVADC; col 75) to match Salt datacode (SDC; col 21)

Changes the OxSat datacode (OxSDC; col 65) to match Oxygen datacode (SDC; col 26)

Optional via checkbox
Change the Oxygen umole/Kg datacode (OxMDC; col 85) to match O2 datacode (ODC; col 26)

DECODR counts how many depth records it changes. If you want to know how many records are corrected for a particular station, run it on the individual station. If one bottle record has multiple code corrections, the tally will still be one. Not the total datacodes changes for that depth record.

Hits: 1016

DECODR MDL & Decimal Accuracy

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DECODR importing of Nutrient data from QuAAtro files follow the decimal accuracy of the reports. Since nitrate can be detected but if below 0.05 reported as 0.0. The module was changed to store nitrate in the sta.csvs as 0.00 to improve pointing checking. A bug in the MDL routine was fixed, correcting the test for agreement with minimum detection limits and flagging the datacode accordingly.

New Nutrient Data Codes (NDC; column 32 in sta.csvs): "P", "S", "O", "T" will zero PO4, Sil, NO2, NO3 respectively. Other numeric datacodes (0, 4, 9) still apply. These datacodes only affect the data products such as IEH, Data Reports, & database csv.

Nutrient formatting in sta.csvs:

HoldNO2$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 21)), "0.000")
HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.0") >>>HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.00")
HoldPO4$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 22)), "0.00")
HoldSil$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 23)), "0.00")
HoldNH3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 24)), "0.00")
HoldNP$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 26)), "0.00")


Hits: 1217

DECODR 1405 fixes: Julian Day "000" format; flushing prodo array

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Two fixes:
Julian Day less than 100 was only one or two char - now padded to three "001 - 099"

Prodo array values were carrying over from one station to the next since the array holding those values was not reset - fixed.
Hits: 1140


Posted by on in DECODR
Fixes - handles stations numbering over 80 in the data modules (double-check and let me know if you see any weirdness).
Database-friendly csv generating routines have been embellished:
Cast columns in the bottle csv are now optional, checkbox toggled; "9"s are added to quality code columns of missing values.

Another glitch fixed - the dynamic height calculation routine was "blanking" the terpled bottle data. It was a misplaced $.
Hits: 1175

DECODR1501.exe fixes prodo issues

Posted by on in DECODR

Prodos issues (can't remember the specifics - no email must have been a verbal communication) but it was fixed.

Problem 2: using the data code checker and there are no nuts run, like for all of the LTER bottles, decodr is putting a "4" in the datacode for NH4 where it should be a "9". The NDC is getting the proper "9" data code. Fixed.

Hits: 705
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