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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.


DECODR1411n - Additional Nutrient Data Codes

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Standalone nutrient data codes (NDC) '4' or '9' still work for all PO4, Sil, NO2, & NO3. '4' will zero, '9' will blank all values at that depth. But in order to resolve individual nutrients data columns, additional data codes were added. These additional annotations also reside in NDC column 32 of the sta.csvs.

  • Phosphate
    • P4 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P4' will zero the phosphate value in data products. The phosphate measurement is retained in the sta.csv. A 'P4' NDC is automatically added if, during nutrient processing, the phosphate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • P9 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P9' will blank the value in data products, value is preserved in sta.csv.
  • Silicate
    • S4 - Silicate specific data code 'S4' will zero the silicate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the silicate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • S9 - Silicate-specific nutrient data code 'S9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrite
    • O4 - Nitrite specific data code 'O4' will zero the nitrite value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrite is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • O9 - Nitrite-specific nutrient data code 'O9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrate
    • T4 - Nitrate specific data code 'T4' will zero the nitrate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • T9 - Nitrate-specific nutrient data code 'T9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
Hits: 1043

DECODR1411 Dickson Sample CSV includes pH Samples

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From CalCOFI 1411NH on, pH samples will be logged separately from DIC samples although the same flask type, same draw technique and storage containers are used. The DECODR Dickson csv sample log csv generator will now output two additional columns - pH_Btl1 & pH_Btl2. This csv sample log is used by the Dickson lab to index the DIC & pH samples during analysis. Bottle numbers for DIC and pH samples will populate the appropriate columns - ph_Btl1, pH_Btl2, DIC_Btl1, DIC_Btl2.

Hits: 1185

DECODR v1411 pH, DIC, TA export module

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DECODR will build a database-friendly csv using a cruise's Dickson-Cervantes pH-DIC-TA csv (spreadsheet export) and sta.csvs. This version adds two pH columns (pH1, pH2) left of the DIC & TA columns (DIC1, DIC2, TA1, TA2).

A slight modification to the DIC record parser - no "COFI" is needed in front of the DIC bottle number in column 1. But, there should be no description lines above the data table - the first line should be the data column headers; lines 2+ are data.

Hits: 989

DECODR Line.Sta Calculator Negative Longitude Fix

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The line.sta calculator uses station position GPS latitude & longitude to calculate the actual CalCOFI station Line.Sta. There was a problem when a negative (W) longitude was used from the YYMMcasts.csv, saved by CESL. A negative longitude causes the decimal longitude parsing back to degrees to be negative, so the longitude minutes were miscalculated. This resulted in an incorrect 'actual line' (Ac_Line) & 'actual sta' Ac_Sta calculations during the csv>database conversion. 

DECODR1410 now checks for a longitude < 0 and multiplies it by -1 to insure a positive longitude is parsed. The decimal longitude (Lon_Dec) and longitude degrees are still reported as a negative. So this change does not affect the outputted data signs, only the internal calculations.

Hits: 1163

DECODR1410.exe 14Oct2014: report order

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Added Report Order Line.Sta filter for Lines 78.0 55.0, 79.0 55.0, 81.0 55.0, 82.0 55.0 to handle CalCOFI 1311NH's extra DIC stations. Also included additional DIC stations 80.0 53.0 & 80.0 57.5.

Also added a second cast option for sta 90.0 90.0 3500m cast in case there is an extra prodo cast (CalCOFI 1311NH cast 021 & 521). This feature may need to be expanded for other duplicate stations but for now it only works for 90.90.

Hits: 1714
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