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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.


DECODR1508.exe 11Aug2015

Posted by on in DECODR

Two features - one improved and one added:

Improved - the CSV Respacer module will work properly with the latest 2015 92-column sta.csv format. The additional nutrient datacodes were being excluded from the reformatting routine. This is strictly a visual improvement that allows use of a text editor to view the files easily; columns and values lineup vertically so visual parsing is easier.

Added - ported from the BtlVsCTD program, the column "purge values" routine has been added to DECODR. Using the header to generate the column selection, the user can select a specific column or set of columns to bulk edit or clear. This is designed to purge data that may have imported improperly into the wrong column. As the data processing scheme evolves and new columns are added, the multitude of routines that populate the columns need to be updated. If one isn't, it can import numbers into the wrong column, overwriting the original column occupant. This is rare fortunately, but did happen when derived oxygen in umol/Kg values were imported into the DIC bottle number column. DIC bottle numbers had to be reentered; oxygen in umol/Kg were reprocessed after the correction with the derived data populating the correct column. DIC bottle numbers are from the original CESL sample log.

Note: the BtlVsCTD column clearing routine was updated to work with the latest version of the CTD.csvs as well. It parses the header to generate the column selections.

Hits: 1146

DECODR1508 05Aug2015

Posted by on in DECODR

It came to my attention that salts can be miscalculated if the sample count in the header is wrong. If the last sample indicated by the sample count is not the end sub, the drift will be miscalculated. This was obvious when the bottle and CTD salts were merge by BtlVsCTD.

So there is a new module under the Salinity Tab that will read the selected H###02 files, count the number of samples which should be n-2. It will also check the header for start station and end station - basically it is a header checker. Nothing is done to the H###02 files but a YYMMHSaltCheck.txt file is created and tabulates the correctness or incorrectness of all the files processed. Additional features may be added to future versions.

Hits: 1260

DECODR1507 27 JUL 2015

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Simple change - in the contour-building module, when using the CTD asc files to build the contour csvs. If the primary oxygen is reading negative then the secondary oxygen sensor will be used. This was specific to 1507OC when the primary oxygen sensor failed on casts 4 & 5. It was replaced on cast 6.

Hits: 992


Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR1504 will use the new nutrient datacodes (P#;S#;O#;T#) when interpolating bottle values.
It will preserve the existing datacodes - if the nitrate datacodes are T4, the terpled nitrate datacode will be T4. Please note that, although the T4 datacode means to zero nitrate, the interpolated value will be calculated using observed nitrates so may be non-zero. Its datacode will be inherited from the 1st observed value datacode, so if T4, it would be zero in generated data products.
Nitrate is used for the example but this applies to phosphate silicate nitrite interpolations as well.

Hits: 1282

DECODR1503.exe Dynamic Height Array set to 5

Posted by on in DECODR

Odd problem cropped up when running the 200/500 Dynamic Height Extrapolater. First the array to parse the record was set to default which was 0 and resulted in an "infinite loop" error. In DECODR1503 it is hardwired at '5' when reading in the YYMM_DHt?.csv which is 5 columns wide.

Also - in order to calculate 200/500, the depths in the YYMM_DHt?.csv need to be deep to shallow. If they are inverse, the 200m dynamic height will miscalculate and so will the 200/500 extrapolation. Run the Invert Depth module under the CSV tab until a more streamline solution is implemented.

Hits: 1455
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