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DECODR is SIO-CalCOFI's comprehensive data processing suite - a Windows program developed by SIO-CalCOFI which has evolved over the years. Originally working with multiple ascii files to generate an IEH and Data Report, DECODR now processes bottle data with corresponding CTD data in station csvs. DECODR does general data processing of the salt, oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients, and primary productivity analyses. Merging all individual CTD cast bottle data assays into a station csv. DECODR imports corresponding CTD sensor data at the bottle depths. DECODR also creates most of the data products: contour maps (using Surfer), Data Reports, database csvs, & IEHs.


DECODR Integrated Productivity Calculation fixed in 1504 & 1507

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IntC14 (integrated C14) fixed

Since CalCOFI 1504, 3 new nutrient datacode columns have been added to the sta.csv. This shifted the primary productivity columns over by 3 columns. The 14C integration routine was using the older column values and under-calculating the intC14 value. This has been fixed in DECODR1504a & 1507a, earlier cruises and data are fine. (CalCOFI 1504 & 1507 data have not been distributed with the under-calculated values since this error was found during point-checking.)

Hits: 1296

DECODR Updates 27-29 Sept 2015

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Datacode "4" instead of "8"

The sta.csv to database csv module was changed - nutrient data codes "4", "P4", "S4", O4", "T4" were formerly flagged with datacode "8" (questionable) in the output file. The logic being datacode "4" was added to values at or below the mean detection limit (MDL) of the nutrient analyzer. But unless the value is reported, the default value is = 0 which does not need a questionable code. The "4" will be retained in the database csv for reference. A "4" datacode means the measurement was set equal to 0.

DECODR1501m works with CalCOFI 1501 data and will generate the correct data products. DECODR1504a & 1507a will also datacode this way.

"D" footnoting of ISL Salinity

When CTD data are used in place of bottle data, a "D" footnote is used in IEH & Data Reports. There was a bug in earlier versions that would "D" annotate the ISL salinity value when the interpolated salinity was reported. This has been fixed in version 1501 and later.

Hits: 1128

DECODR1509, renamed DECODR1504 & DECODR1507, will process new individual nutrient datacodes

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After trying a "cluster" of nutrient datacodes in column 32 in the 2014 sta.csv format. Individual nutrient datacodes have been inserted into the current 1504 sta.csvs. Phosphate, silicate, nitrate, & nitrite now have separate columns for datacodes, adding three columns to the 2014 format. The column total is now 92 - please refer to the sta.csv format web pages: 2014, 89 columns; 2015, 92 columns.

Evolution of sta.csv nutrient datacodes: 1st - one code for PO4, SIL, NO3, & NO2; 2nd: datacode cluster "P0;S0;O0;T0;"; 3rd: P4DC, SIDC, N2DC, N3DC. Note: NH3 has always had its own datacode.

Hits: 1259

New DECODR cruise-referencing naming scheme

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DECODR and other programs developed by SIO-CalCOFI usually have a date-related version attached such as DECODR1509 (DECODR 2015 Sept). This may cause some confusion on which evolving version of DECODR to use to process different cruises. So starting with 2015 cruises (1501, 1504, 1507, 1511), DECODR (and otherSIO-CalCOFI programs) will be named after the cruise it's designed to process. If no changes happen between cruises (rare), the latest version will be renamed regardless. There will be a DECODR1504, DECODR1507, & DECODR1511.

So far only DECODR1501n has be labeled this way. Note - a single alpha character will denote revisions, "n" was used previously to specify "revised nutrient datacode format" so it was kept - next revision for CalCOFI 1501 data processing will be "DECODR1501o".

Hits: 1143


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User-interface improvement request from JLW & DMW - make the cruise being processed more prominent. So the user interface was changed so the current cruise and datapath are front-n-center. Additional features/tweaks include either manually changing the cruise in the large text box or by selecting the cruises at the bottom of the screen. Either will update the current cruise to the one entered or selected and change the datapath.

DECODR 1509 main screen


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