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DECODR1304 Additions & Updates

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[ casts.csv>castdb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready cast-table importable csv. The cst_cnt should increment properly - it will use a database you select to set the beginning cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired start cst_cnt (for updates). Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable.

[ sta.csvs>bottledb.csv ] will generate an Access-ready bottle-table importable csv. The cst_cnt & btl_cnt should increment - it will use a database you select to set the beginning btl_cnt & cst_cnt OR you can key-enter your desired starting btl_cnt and/or cst_cnt (for updates). Please note that each text field is treated independently so you can enter a starting btl_cnt without a cst_cnt or vice-versa BUT the blank cnt will be set by the user-selected database.
Report Order & Order Occupied are user-selectable as well as 'shallow to deep' or 'deep to shallow' depth order.

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