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Blog posts tagged in CTD

DECODR1304 - new module, adds cols to csvs

Posted by on in Data
To reprocess CTD data with bottle oxygen in um/Kg, a DECODR utility for inserting additional columns into existing point-checked, annotated sta.csvs & casts.csv was created. The new DECODR module under the CSV tab - [Add um/kg cols to csvs] updates older cruises whose csvs are missing columns for DIC, Ttl_Alk, and um/kg columns (5: OxBumKg=bottle O2, Ox1umKg=CTD Ox1, Ox2umKg=CTD Ox2, OumDC=DataCode based on bottle OxB (ml/L) datacode, OumPI=Point-check code for future use.
Rerunning the O2 module with sta.csv update checked will populate the new columns. Since only observed data is used to correct CTD sensor data, the module uses & updates the non-standard level sta.csvs. Updating the station t.csvs standard levels with um/Kg may be added to [Derive Bottle Data] module later.

Other fixes - lots of reformatting done to sta & casts csvs so visual parsing of columns with a text editor is easier. Changed some column widths to match headers in both sta & casts csvs.

Tagged in: CTD DECODR Oxygen uM/kg
Hits: 1013

DECODR1302 22Feb2013

Posted by on in Data
Fixed some glitches introduced yesterday when modifying the update csv routines, mainly the update casts.csv. It was updating the casts.csv after every station instead of once at the end of the run, so a casts.csv bak file was attempted every sta. Moving the casts.csv updater outside the station loop was the simple fix.
Oxygen module: adjusted the data quality criteria for flagging disagreement with CTD oxygens.
0.00 - 0.04 = no stars
0.05 - 0.14 = *
0.15 - 0.24 = **
0.25+ = ***

Plus the total *'s/bottle are printed at the end of the .out data processing report. Hopefully, the comparisons to CTD oxygens plus flagging disagreements will help troubleshooting at sea and improve data quality.

Stopped using the Name function to rename bak files and implemented a simple read/write bak file routine in WriteNuCastCsv & WriteStaCsv, used to update the casts.csv & sta.csv, when checked.
Tagged in: CTD DECODR Oxygen
Hits: 1193
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