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CESL 12Mar2013

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The CTDatDepth PST & UTC in the casts.csv was incorrect when generated by CESL's csv rebuilding module (regenerates the casts.csv & all the sta.csvs automatically). This module was developed to batch recreate all the csvs so new columns could be added to older cruises. Unfortunately, the ATDepth PST date & time was UTC and AtDepth UTC was UTC+8. CESL was fixed, new casts.csvs generated for 1104, 1108, 1110, 1202, 1203. The AtDepthDate_PST & AtDepthDate_UTC columns were cut & pasted into the working casts.csvs so point-checking data codes & quality codes would remain intact. New IEHs & Data Reports for all published cruises should be updated as well as database dates and times.

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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd