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Blog posts tagged in chl

DECODR updates

Posted by on in Data
The Oxygen data processing output has additional columns: added CTD Ox0 ml/l, OxBtl-CTDOx0 ml/l, CTD Ox1 ml/l, OxBtl-CTDOx1 ml/l, OxBtl in um/kg - converted ml/l using Seabird's routine. If the bottle-ctd oxygen is greater than 0.45 it gets one star; if it is greater than 0.9 it gets two stars.
[µmole/Kg] = [ml/L] * 44660 / (sigma_theta(P,T,S) + 1000) (P = 0; T = draw T, S = Btl or CTD S1 or 2)

Chl - fixed a col error, now it puts the tau & F values in the right column. Still needs more work on pre & post-cruise + ave value entries.

Prodo - fixed the column update misalignment problem created by Ox um/kg additional columns; added scin data (counts & eff%) to sta.csv depths; improved the data processing coefficient-saving and use, when ave spec act &/or blank are entered on the form. It will remember your last run values and whether you checked the box to use ave values. The values are saved in ...\YYMM\YYMMprodcoef.txt file. If you want to use values added during the scintillation asc file import then uncheck the box.
Tagged in: chl DECODR Oxygen prodo
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