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DECODR1302 22Feb2013

Posted by on in Data
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Fixed some glitches introduced yesterday when modifying the update csv routines, mainly the update casts.csv. It was updating the casts.csv after every station instead of once at the end of the run, so a casts.csv bak file was attempted every sta. Moving the casts.csv updater outside the station loop was the simple fix.
Oxygen module: adjusted the data quality criteria for flagging disagreement with CTD oxygens.
0.00 - 0.04 = no stars
0.05 - 0.14 = *
0.15 - 0.24 = **
0.25+ = ***

Plus the total *'s/bottle are printed at the end of the .out data processing report. Hopefully, the comparisons to CTD oxygens plus flagging disagreements will help troubleshooting at sea and improve data quality.

Stopped using the Name function to rename bak files and implemented a simple read/write bak file routine in WriteNuCastCsv & WriteStaCsv, used to update the casts.csv & sta.csv, when checked.
Tagged in: CTD DECODR Oxygen

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