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Blog posts tagged in datacode


Posted by on in Data
DECODR will not update the nutrient datacodes when processing nutrients with csv updater checked. Nutrient & chlorophyll datacodes will not be updated when CTD data is added to sta.csvs. Ammonia data will be coded '4' on offshore stations at depths below 200m unless already datacoded '9'.

Other updates: terpling bottle data 'broke' when changing the recind '3' to a range - '>2 <6' - so it was recoded back to '3'. This will cause recind 5 depths to not be used to terple. Recind 5 usually denotes a bottle depth without water samples (mistrip or missed), so use CTD data.

Added an 'Additional Comments' cleanup tool - sometimes duplicate oxygen datacodes get appended so they repeat (ie Ox1S;Ox2S;Ox1S;Ox2S). Under the [CSV] tab is a new module that checks the additional comments column for this issue and saves only the last pair. It checks for duplicate pairs (ie Ox1S;Ox2S; or Ox1C;Ox2C; or Ox1U;ox2U) but not differing pairs (ie Ox1S;Ox2C or Ox1C;Ox2U...). Additional permutations could be added if needed but are not in place currently.

Tagged in: datacode DECODR
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