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Blog posts tagged in FLog

casts.csv new columns

Posted by on in Data
casts.csv contains pre & post calibration columns for tau & acid ratio for the fluorometer but chlorophyll data are calculated post-cruise using averages of the two values (pre & post cruise aves). Averages can be calculated 'on-the-fly' so it is not necessary to archive calculated averages. BUT it is prudent to archive the average tau & acid ratio to corroborate the numbers used in the final calculations. It also improves flexibility if a calculated average has to be adjusted for a particular station or run (rare).

So the casts.csv is now 63 columns - see guide - inserting average tau & acid ratio columns (51 & 52) next to post-cruise values. This shifts the former 51 - 61 over to 53 - 63. SIO-CalCOFI software has been adjusted to handle either casts.csv format. CESL, DECODR, PSal, & FLog will update either 61-col (pre-1301) or 63-col casts.csv, using "is col 53 O2" test as a criteria. DECODR modules effected are: mainly O2 processing, but also Prodo processing, Int 14C, & Int Chl which populate cols to the right.
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