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Blog posts tagged in casts.csv

DECODR1304 new utility

Posted by on in Data
The sta.csv respacer module that reformats the column alignment for easy visual parsing of sta.csv will also work on the casts.csv. The module name was changed from [Sta.csv respacer] to [CSV respacer] and the tooltip mouseover description was updated to reflect the change.
Hits: 1380

CESL 12Mar2013

Posted by on in CESL
The CTDatDepth PST & UTC in the casts.csv was incorrect when generated by CESL's csv rebuilding module (regenerates the casts.csv & all the sta.csvs automatically). This module was developed to batch recreate all the csvs so new columns could be added to older cruises. Unfortunately, the ATDepth PST date & time was UTC and AtDepth UTC was UTC+8. CESL was fixed, new casts.csvs generated for 1104, 1108, 1110, 1202, 1203. The AtDepthDate_PST & AtDepthDate_UTC columns were cut & pasted into the working casts.csvs so point-checking data codes & quality codes would remain intact. New IEHs & Data Reports for all published cruises should be updated as well as database dates and times.
Hits: 1104


Posted by on in Data
Some major revisions to the casts.csv to cast database.csv module: added a report order option since this is the desired station order; order_occ was the default and is also still available via checkbox. Added a Castnum textbox - if this textbox has a Castnum (database Cast table primary ID), the module will not check or ask for the reference database that it typically would append ie add the next set of castnum values chronologically. This feature allows new final data to be imported, replacing old preliminary data records using an update query.
Will work on sta.csvs to bottle database table next after fixing the casts.csv AtDepthPST glitch in CESL.
Tagged in: casts.csv database
Hits: 4428

casts.csv new columns

Posted by on in Data
casts.csv contains pre & post calibration columns for tau & acid ratio for the fluorometer but chlorophyll data are calculated post-cruise using averages of the two values (pre & post cruise aves). Averages can be calculated 'on-the-fly' so it is not necessary to archive calculated averages. BUT it is prudent to archive the average tau & acid ratio to corroborate the numbers used in the final calculations. It also improves flexibility if a calculated average has to be adjusted for a particular station or run (rare).

So the casts.csv is now 63 columns - see guide - inserting average tau & acid ratio columns (51 & 52) next to post-cruise values. This shifts the former 51 - 61 over to 53 - 63. SIO-CalCOFI software has been adjusted to handle either casts.csv format. CESL, DECODR, PSal, & FLog will update either 61-col (pre-1301) or 63-col casts.csv, using "is col 53 O2" test as a criteria. DECODR modules effected are: mainly O2 processing, but also Prodo processing, Int 14C, & Int Chl which populate cols to the right.
Hits: 1780
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