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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


CESL Fix: NH4 changed back to NH3

Posted by on in CESL
Wanting to be consistent with column labeling that matched the nutrient data files, CESL was outputting NH4. This causes a problem with GTool so the easiest fix is to have CESL output NH3 again. Done...
Tagged in: CESL
Hits: 1392

CESL DIC sample depth highlighting

Posted by on in CESL
CESL1404 now highlights all the DIC additional sample depths on the sample form.
Hits: 1378

CESL Update

Posted by on in CESL
I changed CESL to make Mistrips recind 5 - there was a note in the code I wrote in 1212 that said it was changed because of terple issues. I think I have terple working on all recind except 9 right now but we should verify that.
Regarding ODC - are there CTD O2s to use in the station csv? If the CTD O2 data are missing, then the ODC will not be set to 1 or 2. So you may need to populate the CTD data fields for the update csvs datacoding to work properly. I will make the ODC blank when recind is 6 and ODC = 1 when recind is 5 but Ox1 has to have a value.
Hits: 1199


Posted by on in DECODR
Fixes - handles stations numbering over 80 in the data modules (double-check and let me know if you see any weirdness).
Database-friendly csv generating routines have been embellished:
Cast columns in the bottle csv are now optional, checkbox toggled; "9"s are added to quality code columns of missing values.

Another glitch fixed - the dynamic height calculation routine was "blanking" the terpled bottle data. It was a misplaced $.
Hits: 1175

DECODR1501.exe fixes prodo issues

Posted by on in DECODR

Prodos issues (can't remember the specifics - no email must have been a verbal communication) but it was fixed.

Problem 2: using the data code checker and there are no nuts run, like for all of the LTER bottles, decodr is putting a "4" in the datacode for NH4 where it should be a "9". The NDC is getting the proper "9" data code. Fixed.

Hits: 706
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